    Effects of Nonylphenol Subchronic Exposure on Rat Pancreas' Structure and Function
    LI Xueji, ZHOU Liting, WANG Aiqing, HU Mingjiang, LIN Yao, CHEN Bin, HONG Chengjiao, TONG Xing, TONG Jian, TIAN Hailin
    2016, 6(6): 387-391. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.06.001
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution and Influencing Factors of Cu, Zn, Fe in Urine Among Adult Residents in Region Along Yangtze River in Anhui Province
    ZHONG Qi, CUI Yanjie, LIANG Ling, HE Qian, YANG Yuwei, ZHOU Mengmeng, HU Mingjun, HUANG Fen
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    Investigation on Drinking Water Intake of Adults in Two Cities of China
    LI Xiaoming, QIAN Le, HAN Jiayi, XING Fangxiao, CHEN Yongyan, ZHANG Lan
    2016, 6(6): 398-401, 406. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.06.003
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    Mortality Analysis on Cardiovascular Disease of Inhabitants Dringing Desalinated Seawater in a Representative Area
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    2016, 6(6): 402-406. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.06.004
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    Time-series Analysis on Effects of Air Pollutants on Daily Mortality and Daily Outpatient Visits in Wuxi, China
    ZHANG Xuhui, ZHOU Weijie, ZHANG Xi
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    Characteristics of Indoor Air of Newly Decorated Apartments in Yantai City
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    GC-MS Determination of Oak Moss and Tree Moss Extracts in Perfume Raw Materials and Perfumes
    LIU Siran, DONG Xiaojie, ZHU Ying
    2016, 6(6): 415-419. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.06.007
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    Determination of Lead and its Compounds in Workplace Air by GFAAS with Dynamic Tri-magnetic Field Zeeman Background Correction
    YAO Xiujuan, WANG Shuzhou, LI Junling, WANG Dongmei
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    Determination of Eight Metals in Ichthyocolla by Microwave Digestion and ICP-OES Analysis
    WANG Shuzhou, TANG Jun, YAO Xiujuan, HU Yonghong
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    Interpretation for Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics (2015 Edition)
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    Investigation on Sanitary Indicators of Swimming Places
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    Analysis of Eighty Cases of Cosmetic Safety InformationIn Foreign Countries
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    Radioactivity in Drinking Water in Zhengzhou City in 2015
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