    Effect of Dichloroacetonitrile on the Apoptosis of HepG2 Cells
    ZHAI Lu, LUO Hao, YE Meijie, LI Yongchong, HUANG Jiahua, DING Mengke, LIU Zhenlong, YANG Hui, TANG Huanwen
    2016, 6(4): 255-258. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.001
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Teratogenicity of Hexa-benzyl-hexa-aza-iso-wurtzitane in Rats
    XIA Jiefang, GAO Junhong, LIU Zhiyong, WANG Hong, YUE Hong, GAO Yongchao, SUN Chenghui, SONG Jianwei
    2016, 6(4): 259-262. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.004
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    Acute Effects of Ozone Pollution on Daily Emergency Ambulance Dispatches Due to Respiratory Diseases in Shijiazhuang
    SONG Jie, XU Dongqun, FAN Weiwei, BAI ping, CHEN Fengge
    2016, 6(4): 263-266. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.002
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    Cognitive Investigation Related to Outdoor Air Pollutants (PM2.5) in Pinghu City
    TONG Guoqiang, JIANG Xuefeng, YAO Fengyan, Xu Jun
    2016, 6(4): 267-270. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.003
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    Analysis on Relationship between Air Pollution and Hospital Outpatient Adults of Wuxi in 2015
    ZHANG Xi, ZHU Jingying, ZHANG Xuhui, ZHOU Weijie
    2016, 6(4): 271-274. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.005
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    Detection and Assessment on the Health Risk of Formaldehyde for Employees in Public Places in Kunshan
    LIANG Xiaojun, ZHANG Jianxin, SUN Qiang, XIA Xiaowei, SONG Wenlei
    2016, 6(4): 275-279. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.006
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    Analysis on the Hygienic Issue of Designing Fresh Air System for Central Air-conditioning System
    SHANG Min
    2016, 6(4): 280-283. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.007
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    Investigation on the Water Supply System in Township Hospitals
    Zang Zhaofang, Yao Wei, Qu Xiaoguang, Fu Yanfen
    2016, 6(4): 284-287. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.011
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    Rapid Assessment on the Environmental Sanitation of Allocations after an Earthquake in Kathmandu Area of Nepal
    LI Jianyun, ZHOU Xiaomei, YING Zhaolin
    2016, 6(4): 288-290. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.012
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    A Rapid Method for the Determination of Urinary Creatinine by the Picric Acid Spectrophotometry
    ZHANG Miao, ZHENG Lei, ZHOU Zhirong, DING Liang, LIN Shaobin
    2016, 6(4): 291-295. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.008
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    Determination of Antibiotic Residues in Soil by UPLC-MS/MS
    LI Xiaojing, YU Hong, Gan Pingsheng
    2016, 6(4): 296-299. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.009
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    Calculating Particle Size Distribution Rapidly by Multi-Stage Impactor
    MO Yang, LIU Guangquan
    2016, 6(4): 300-303. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.010
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    Investigation of Infectious Diarrhea Case Caused by Norovirus Contamination of Water Supply System
    CHEN Fengge, FAN Weiwei, ZHAO Wei, BAI Ping, SONG Jie, YANG Jun, GENG Yuan
    2016, 6(4): 304-307. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.013
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    Treatment of a Styrene Pollution Incident in Drinking Water and its Thinking
    Liu Cheng, Zeng Decai, Gao Yuming, Chen Xia
    2016, 6(4): 308-310. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.014
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    Review on Health Effect of Haze Event or Haze Days in China
    LIU Kai, ZOU Tiansen, YIN Ligang, ZHANG Jinliang
    2016, 6(4): 311-316. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.015
    Abstract PDF