    Effects of High Temperature, Noisy, and Combined Environment on Blood Pressure, Heart Rates and Vasoactive Substances in Rats
    Wang Caibing, He Xianjiao, Zhao Shanmin, Huang Junjie, Jin Ling, Yang Xiuying, Huang Lijuan, Liang Zuoren, Huang Yanfeng, Huang Yongyi
    2013, 3(5): 379-383.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of Environmental Electromagnetic Radiation on the Peripheral Blood Cell of College Students
    Qin Qizhong, Han Lingli, Chang Xiaojuan, Xia Yinyin, Cheng Shuqun, Chen Yu
    2013, 3(5): 384-389.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of Long Term Excessive Fluoride Intake on the Morphology and Function of Thyroid in Rats
    Liu Hongliang, Yu Linyu, Cui Yushan, Zeng Qiang, Zhao Liang, Hou Changchun, Wang Aiguo
    2013, 3(5): 390-393, 397.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of Radiofrequency Exposure from a 900 MHz Cellular Phone on the Liver of Pregnant Rats
    Ma Huirong, Li Jingjing, Chen Jingwei, Zhao Yanan, Zhang Jia, Yu Jinde, Guo Lele
    2013, 3(5): 394-397.
    Abstract PDF
    Investigation and Analysis on the Self-reported Health Status and the State of Seeking Medical Services of Local Residents in a Lead-zinc Mining Area of Xiangxi
    Luo Chunxia, Fang Jing, Cai Chao, Liu Jiang
    2013, 3(5): 398-402.
    Abstract PDF
    The Quality of Rural Drinking Water Supply in Xinjiang in 2010
    Xu Yeqing, Zhu Wenling, Wang Shengling, Pu Dan, Duan Yimin, Chen Yuansheng, Zhang Ling
    2013, 3(5): 403-405, 408.
    Abstract PDF
    The Contamination of Legionella Pneumophila in the Cooling Water of Central Air Conditioning System and the Prevention and Control Measures
    Li Guangpu, Ni Shuping, Zeng Decai, Xie Jinsong, Jin Jianjun, Tang Weifen
    2013, 3(5): 406-408.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis on the Quality of Drinking Water in the Urban Area of Jiangxi Province in 2011-2012
    Fu Junjie, Wu Lihua, He Jiafen, Liu Chengfeng, Xu Min, Wang Yonghua
    2013, 3(5): 409-412.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of Tobacco Control Regulation in Public Places in Qingpu District of Shanghai
    Zhou Ying, Shen Weijuan, Gao Xuanye
    2013, 3(5): 413-415, 419.
    Abstract PDF
    Hygienic Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Controlling Occupational Hazards in a Storage Battery Factory
    Zhang Mingqiang, Lin Tao, Liao Junqiang, Zhang Hong, Wang Jianping
    2013, 3(5): 416-419.
    Abstract PDF
    Preliminary Study on the Results of an Automatic Colony Counts Analyzer
    Wu Yufeng, Feng Liyan
    2013, 3(5): 420-421, 425.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis on the Health Status of Workers in Glass Manufacturing Industries
    Liu Junling
    2013, 3(5): 422-425.
    Abstract PDF
    Hygienic Evaluation on the Secondary Water Supply System for New Construction Projects in Nanchang
    Lai Xiao, Zhang Ying
    2013, 3(5): 426-428, 432.
    Abstract PDF
    Investigation on the Sanitary Status of Farmland in Jiangxi Province in 2011
    Yu Wenping, Li Qiujuan, Zheng Jiangang
    2013, 3(5): 429-432.
    Abstract PDF
    Urine Iodine of School-aged Children in Mianyang in 2009-2011
    Chen Zhi, Zhang Ting, Jiang Fang
    2013, 3(5): 433-435, 438.
    Abstract PDF
    Contamination of Heavy Metals in Agricultural Products on the Markets of Mianyang City in 2010
    Wen Xianying, Zhang Daiyou, Wu Xiaohong, Huang Tingting, Li Xiaotao, Tang Guo
    2013, 3(5): 436-438.
    Abstract PDF
    Health Security of Drinking Water in the Seventh National Peasant Games in Nanyang
    He Wangjie, Wang Xia, Li Yongzhong
    2013, 3(5): 439-441.
    Abstract PDF
    Quality of Decentralized Water Supply in the Countryside of Shishou City in 2012
    Zhang Luoxin
    2013, 3(5): 442-444.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Methanol and Acetone in Ambient Air by Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry
    Li Yunpu, Dong Xiaoyan, Wu Yaxi
    2013, 3(5): 445-448.
    Abstract PDF
    Releasing Characteristics of Formaldehyde from Block Board
    Wang Zhi, Wei Jing
    2013, 3(5): 449-451.
    Abstract PDF
    The Performance of Trichloro-isocyanuric Acid Effervescent Disinfectant Tablets
    Zhai Wenhui, Zhang Meng
    2013, 3(5): 452-454, 457.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Acrylamide in Water by Gas Chromatography with Capillary Column
    Tian Haoliang
    2013, 3(5): 455-457.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Heavy Metals in PM2.5 by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
    Zhang Zhirong, Liu Yuting, Yu Qiuhong, Zhou Huixia, Zhang Laiying, Zhao Jianzhong, Li Jie, Niu Xiaomei
    2013, 3(5): 458-460, 464.
    Abstract PDF
    Discussion on Influence to Testing Capacity by Instrument Configuration in a Center for Disease Control and Prevention
    Wang Jianguo, Liu Xiaofeng, Wan Likui, Sun Xiumei
    2013, 3(5): 461-464.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of Membrane Technology in Drinking Water Treatment
    Xiang Hong
    2013, 3(5): 468-471, 476.
    Abstract PDF
    Research Advances on Lung Cancer and Fine Particulate Matters
    Tong Guoqiang, Zhang Zhihong
    2013, 3(5): 472-476.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis on the Current Hygienic Status of Rural Drinking Water
    Ma Jintong, Zhang Hua, Wang Sishun, Wei Yan
    2013, 3(5): 477-479.
    Abstract PDF