    DNA Damage of Bone Marrow Cells in Mice Induced by Nano-Fe3O4 Particles
    Jiang Yuanyuan, Wang Chunhua, Sui Chunsheng, Li Jingshun, Zhao Shuhua
    2012, 2(6): 253-256.
    Abstract PDF
    Rare Earth Element Components in Atmospheric Particulates during Sand-Dust Weather in Baotou
    Wang Wei, Tao Hui, Kim Dae-seon, Pan Xiaochuan
    2012, 2(6): 257-261.
    Abstract PDF
    Contamination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Surface Water in the South of Henan Province
    Wang Xie, Cui Shiwei, Zhang Wei, Xia Fang, Zhang Rongjie
    2012, 2(6): 262-263,267.
    Abstract PDF
    A Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Formaldehyde in Air in the Field
    Zhang Rui, Tao Jing, Yu Huifang, Wang chen
    2012, 2(6): 264-267.
    Abstract PDF
    Assessment and Evaluation on the Quality of Drinking Water before and after a Water Improvement Project in a Rural Area
    Fu Bihui, Pan Jian, Wu Zhenyu
    2012, 2(6): 268-270,279.
    Abstract PDF
    Pollution Levels and Control Measures for Formaldehyde in Indoor Air after Decoration
    Liu Liya, Wang Yafang, Zhou Chang, Zhang Weiguo
    2012, 2(6): 271-273.
    Abstract PDF
    Monitoring the Endemic Fluorosis in Jiangsu Province in 2010
    Wang Yang, Shu Changliang, Xia Yunting, Wang Caisheng
    2012, 2(6): 274-279.
    Abstract PDF
    Investigation on the Quality of Groundwater in Rural Fengtai District
    Cui Baorong, Deng Huiling, Jing Yanyan, Yue Fang, Yu Qiuhong, Dong Xiaogen, Li Jie, Zhao Jianzhong
    2012, 2(6): 280-284.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of Train Electrification Reformation on the Labor Sanitation in Working-room for Locomotive Drivers——Evaluation on the Quality of Exiguous Climate and Environmental Air Sanitation in the Working-room for Locomotive Drivers
    Wu Fengde, Guo Qiang, Hu Xinquan, Yang Jing, Xu Peng, Wang Jianqiang, Liu Xiaofeng, Yang Shaohua
    2012, 2(6): 285-288,299.
    Abstract PDF
    Preliminary Analysis on Foodborne Diseases in Guizhou Province in 2004-2011
    Yu Chuanning, Wang Sishun, Zhou Yajuan, Liu Yiya, Zhu Shu
    2012, 2(6): 289-292.
    Abstract PDF
    The Deteetion Process of a Strain of Citrobacter Amalonaticus Carrying Common Antigens with Shigella
    Deng Zhixin, Shi Yongfeng
    2012, 2(6): 293-295.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Sulfur Sodium Hydride in the Air of Workplace by Fading Spectrophotometry Reacted with Potassium Permanganate
    Li Chunhua, Chen Bingcan, Tang Hong
    2012, 2(6): 296-299.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation on the Uncertainty of Iodine in Urine Analyzed by As-Ce Catalytic Spectrophotometry
    Yu Haiyan
    2012, 2(6): 300-302,309.
    Abstract PDF
    Compound Scan to Confirm Metabolites of Nitrofurans in Water Products by Combined Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with a Quadrupole /Linear Ion Trap Instrument
    Zhuang Yu, Ding Lin, Jiang Nan
    2012, 2(6): 303-309.
    Abstract PDF
    The Application of Flow Injection Analysis in Water Quality Detection
    Wang Xie, Zhang Yaoguang, Zhang Wei, Xia Fang
    2012, 2(6): 310-312.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of Desalinated Seawater and its Effects on Human Health
    Xu Cixian, Dong Shaoxia, Lu kai
    2012, 2(6): 313-319.
    Abstract PDF
    Genotoxicity of Hexavalent Chromate
    Zhu Wei, Xia Qiang
    2012, 2(6): 320-323.
    Abstract PDF
    Advances on the Research of the Hazard of Ammonia Nitrogen in Aquaculture Water and its Determination Method
    Zhang weiqiang, Zhu ying
    2012, 2(6): 324-327.
    Abstract PDF