纪忠义, 蔡哲, 宫大伟, 徐德凤. 农村改厕不同的便器冲水模式对三格和双瓮类型户厕粪便无害化处理效果的影响[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(4): 313-315.
    引用本文: 纪忠义, 蔡哲, 宫大伟, 徐德凤. 农村改厕不同的便器冲水模式对三格和双瓮类型户厕粪便无害化处理效果的影响[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(4): 313-315.
    Ji Zhongyi, Cai zhe, Gong Dawei, Xu Defeng. Effects of the Three-squared Septic Tank and Double-jar with Different Wash-down Toilets Mode of Sanitary Latrines in Rural Areas on Night Soil Innocuous Treatment[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(4): 313-315.
    Citation: Ji Zhongyi, Cai zhe, Gong Dawei, Xu Defeng. Effects of the Three-squared Septic Tank and Double-jar with Different Wash-down Toilets Mode of Sanitary Latrines in Rural Areas on Night Soil Innocuous Treatment[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(4): 313-315.


    Effects of the Three-squared Septic Tank and Double-jar with Different Wash-down Toilets Mode of Sanitary Latrines in Rural Areas on Night Soil Innocuous Treatment

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究农村改厕三格和双瓮类型户厕采用不同的便器冲水模式, 对粪便无害化处理效果的影响。
      方法 在2011-2012年农村改厕工程中, 选择户厕工程便器冲水模式不同的项目村, 对便器节水型高压水冲模式和非节水型水冲模式的户厕进行对比。户厕工程监测三格化粪池1格粪便停留时间、双瓮漏斗式前瓮粪便停留时间和便器日冲水量等相关数据, 对数据进行统计分析。
      结果 节水型高压水冲模式便器冲水量为非节水型模式便器冲水量的21%~23%;节水型模式三格化粪池的1格粪便停留时间20 d以上、双瓮漏斗式前瓮的粪便停留时间30 d以上, 均达到粪便无害化处理技术指标要求。而非节水型模式两种户厕工程粪便无害化处理均未能达到技术指标要求。
      结论 农村改厕建造水冲三格化粪池式和双瓮漏斗式户厕, 便器冲水选择节水型高压水冲模式时, 粪便无害化处理效果好, 可达到无害化卫生要求。


      Objectives  To study the effects of the three-squared septic tank latrine and double-jar latrine with different wash-down toilets mode on the night soil innocuous treatment.
      Methods  During 2011-2012, in the programs of sanitary latrines in rural areas in our province, two villages with different wash-down toilets modes are selected as the control group, comparing water saving toilet with non-water saving toilet respectively. To monitor the residence time of tank 1 grid feces of the three-squared septic tank, the residence time of the front urn feces in the double-jar latrine, as well as the data on the daily amount of wash-down.
      Results  The amount of wash-down with water-saving is just 21%~23% of that with non-water-saving toilet; the tank 1 grid feces of three-squared septic tank with water-saving model stay more than 20 days, the residence time of the front urn feces in the double-jar latrine is 30 days or more, which all achieve the harmless processing technical requirements. However, night soil innocuous treatment of the two toilets without water-saving mode did not meet the technical requirements.
      Conclusions  Sanitary latrines in rural areas construct the wash-down three-squared septic tank and the double-jar latrine toilets, the night soil innocuous treatment are very effective when toilet choosing the water-saving mode, and which can ensure safe health standards.


