崔亮亮, 周连, 申涛, 陈晓东. 军团病暴发疫情的感染概况[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(1): 72-76.
    引用本文: 崔亮亮, 周连, 申涛, 陈晓东. 军团病暴发疫情的感染概况[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(1): 72-76.
    Cui Liangliang, Zhou Lian, Shen Tao, Chen Xiaodong. Review of Epidemiological Characteristics of Legionnaire Disease Outbreak[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(1): 72-76.
    Citation: Cui Liangliang, Zhou Lian, Shen Tao, Chen Xiaodong. Review of Epidemiological Characteristics of Legionnaire Disease Outbreak[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(1): 72-76.


    Review of Epidemiological Characteristics of Legionnaire Disease Outbreak

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解国内外军团病暴发疫情的感染概况, 为我国疫情的应急处置提供依据。
      方法 查阅国内外军团病暴发疫情情况, 描述时间、地点、人群流行特征, 分析感染来源。
      结果 该病全年均可发生, 具有季节性, 5~10月份为发病高峰, 成人发病率高于儿童, 男性发病率高于女性, 嗜肺军团菌感染居多。常见感染类型社区获得型中SPA与温泉、冷却水和冷凝水系统二类感染来源所占比例> 50%。
      结论 军团病作为世界性分布疾病, 感染的来源与途径不断多样化, 已成为日常生活中潜在的健康威胁, 应当引起关注。


      Objectives To understand the status of legionnaire disease outbreak and provide scientific basis for government to deal with emergencies for outbreak.
      Methods To review the related references in China and other countries, describe the epidemiological characters of time, place and crowd, analyse the infection source.
      Results The legionnaire disease could occure in hole year and get to the highest peak in 5~10 months. The attack rate of adult is higher than children, male is higher than female. Legionella pneumophila(LP) infection is more than others. The proportion of infection source caused by SPA and hot springs, cooling water and condensate system is more than 50% in community acquired legionnaire disease.
      Conclusions Legionnaires disease as worldwide disease expresses diversity in the infecting sources and pathways which have become a potential healthy threaten to our life, therefore it should be paid more attention.


