郭艳, 何伦发, 李玉, 张浩玲. 中山市室内空气污染物PM2.5认知情况调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(5): 454-457.
    引用本文: 郭艳, 何伦发, 李玉, 张浩玲. 中山市室内空气污染物PM2.5认知情况调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(5): 454-457.
    Guo Yan, He Lunfa, Li Yu, Zhang Haoling. Study on Cognition of Air Pollutants PM2.5 in Zhongshan[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(5): 454-457.
    Citation: Guo Yan, He Lunfa, Li Yu, Zhang Haoling. Study on Cognition of Air Pollutants PM2.5 in Zhongshan[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(5): 454-457.


    Study on Cognition of Air Pollutants PM2.5 in Zhongshan

    • 摘要:
      目的 通过问卷调查, 了解中山市市民对空气污染物PM2.5污染的认知情况, 为开展中山市室内PM2.5的防控提供依据。
      方法 以200名到中山市疾控中心的客户人群作为调查对象, 以面对面调查方式开展问卷调查。
      结果 95.0%的调查对象知道室内环境污染, 83.0%的调查对象完全没听过或不清楚PM2.5具体是什么。调查对象对PM2.5的室外来源有较好的认知, 但对PM2.5的室内来源知晓率较低。在PM2.5对人体的健康危害调查中, 对其会加重呼吸系统疾病的知晓率最高(44%), 而对于人体对PM2.5完全没有过滤、阻拦能力的知识知晓率最低(15%), 同时有34.5%的调查对象对PM2.5的健康危害完全不了解。不知道现行室内空气质量国家标准的人占79.5%, 94.5%的调查者对空气污染相关法律不是十分了解, 68.0%的调查对象通过电视了解空气污染的相关法律。
      结论 多数调查对象对PM2.5不了解, 应加强对PM2.5相关知识的宣传教育, 采用电视宣传是有效的方式。


      Objectives To understand the status about the cognition of air pollutants PM2.5 in residents in Zhongshan city, and to provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of air pollution.
      Methods Two hundred respondents was selected from the clients visiting Zhongshan CDC and the survey was conducted by questionnaire and the form was filled face to face.
      Results 95.0%of respondents knew the meaning of indoor air pollution.83.0%of respondents did not hear about PM2.5 or did not know what PM2.5 really was.The cognition on the outside source of PM2.5 was high and the cognition on the indoor source of PM2.5 was low.The awareness on the health hazard of PM2.5 in aggravating respiratory diseases was high (44%); but the awareness on no any ability for human to filter and block PM2.5 was low (15%).The harm of PM2.5 was not known in 34.5%of respondents, the current indoor air quality standard was not known in 79.5%of respondents, and the relevant laws were not known in 94.5% of respondents.In 68%of respondents, the knowledge on the laws relevant to air pollution was from television.
      Conclusions Most of respondents surveyed in Zhongshan did not know the harm of PM2.5, the propagation on the knowledge relevant to PM2.5 should be strengthened, and the best media was television.


