付俊杰, 胡国良, 吴莉华, 刘成锋, 何加芬, 徐岷, 王永华. 某冶炼厂周边居民膳食镉暴露风险的初步评估[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(2): 166-170.
    引用本文: 付俊杰, 胡国良, 吴莉华, 刘成锋, 何加芬, 徐岷, 王永华. 某冶炼厂周边居民膳食镉暴露风险的初步评估[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(2): 166-170.
    Fu Junjie, Hu Guoliang, Wu Lihua, Liu Chengfeng, He Jiafen, Xu Min, Wang Yonghua. Preliminary Assessment on Risk of Dietary Cadmium Exposure on Residents around a Smeltery[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(2): 166-170.
    Citation: Fu Junjie, Hu Guoliang, Wu Lihua, Liu Chengfeng, He Jiafen, Xu Min, Wang Yonghua. Preliminary Assessment on Risk of Dietary Cadmium Exposure on Residents around a Smeltery[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(2): 166-170.


    Preliminary Assessment on Risk of Dietary Cadmium Exposure on Residents around a Smeltery

    • 摘要:
      目的 分析测定某冶炼厂周边居民土壤、主要食物与饮用水中镉的水平, 并对居民通过膳食途径暴露镉的健康风险进行初步评估。
      方法 收集冶炼厂周边污染组及对照组的主要食物90份、饮用水27份和土壤47份, 用石墨原子吸收光谱法测定样品中镉的含量; 结合居民膳食调查数据, 与暂定的每月可耐受摄入量(provisional tolerable monthly intake, PTMI)及安全限值(margins of safety, MOS)比较, 初步评估该冶炼厂周边居民对主要食物的镉暴露风险。
      结果 冶炼厂周边污染区的土壤、大米、叶菜类、根茎类蔬菜和饮用水镉含量的中位水平分别为0.464 mg/kg、0.348 mg/kg、1.148 mg/kg、1.742 mg/kg和0.006 mg/L, 对照区(冶炼厂10 km外)的分别为0.155 mg/kg、0.104 mg/kg、0.580 mg/kg、0.817 mg/kg和0.009 mg/L; 结合膳食调查与居民尿镉的测定, 污染区和对照区居民的镉暴露分别为每月556.123 μg/kg和204.588 μg/kg, MOS值分别为0.044和0.169;污染区各类食物中, 蔬菜对膳食镉暴露的贡献最高(88.9%和85.4%)。
      结论 冶炼厂对周边地区的食物造成比较严重的镉污染, 并且可能危害到当地居民的身体健康。


      Objectives To analyze the cadmium level in main foods and preliminarily assess the risk of dietary cadmium exposure on people around a smeltery.
      Methods Ninety main food samples and 27 drinking water samples were collected from the area around the smeltery. Cadmium contents in foods and water were determined by using graphite furnace atomic absorption method and then the cadmium exposure from main foods was estimated by combining the concentration of cadmium in foods with food consumption data.The health risk of exposure was assessed by comparing the cadmium exposure with provisional tolerable monthly intake (PTMI) and the margins of safety (MOS) for cadmium.
      Results The median levels of cadmium in soil, rice, leafy vegetables, root vegetables and drinking water samples collected from polluted area were 0.46 mg/kg, 40.348 mg/kg, 1.148 mg/kg, 1.742 mg/kg and 0.006 mg/L respectively, and those collected from the control area (10 km from the smeltery) were 0.155 mg/kg, 0.104 mg/kg, 0.580 mg/kg, 0.817 mg/kg and 0.009 mg/L respectively. Rice, leafy vegetables and root vegetables contributed a total of 556.123μg/kg and 204.588μg/kg cadmium exposure per month, and the MOS were 0.044 and 0.169 for residents in polluted and control areas respectively. Vegetables, as the most important contributors, contributed about 88.9% and 85.4% of cadmium exposure, respectively.
      Conclusions The main foods around the smeltery were seriously polluted by cadmium, which could be harm to the health of local residents.


