崔宝荣, 邓惠玲, 敬燕燕, 岳芳, 于秋红, 董晓根, 李洁, 赵建忠. 农村生活饮用水源井的水质调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(6): 280-284.
    引用本文: 崔宝荣, 邓惠玲, 敬燕燕, 岳芳, 于秋红, 董晓根, 李洁, 赵建忠. 农村生活饮用水源井的水质调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(6): 280-284.
    Cui Baorong, Deng Huiling, Jing Yanyan, Yue Fang, Yu Qiuhong, Dong Xiaogen, Li Jie, Zhao Jianzhong. Investigation on the Quality of Groundwater in Rural Fengtai District[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(6): 280-284.
    Citation: Cui Baorong, Deng Huiling, Jing Yanyan, Yue Fang, Yu Qiuhong, Dong Xiaogen, Li Jie, Zhao Jianzhong. Investigation on the Quality of Groundwater in Rural Fengtai District[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(6): 280-284.


    Investigation on the Quality of Groundwater in Rural Fengtai District

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解丰台区农村生活饮用水源井的水质卫生状况, 为农村改水提供基础资料。
      方法 对辖区内的313眼农村生活饮用水源井进行普查, 检测源水及处理后水的27项水质卫生学指标, 依据《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006) 评价。
      结果 井水总硬度、硝酸盐、硫酸盐、氯化物、锌、铁、细菌总数合格率分别为6.71%、16.88%、96.17%、97.76%、97.12%、99.04%、93.93%, 其余指标合格率100%;总硬度、硝酸盐平均浓度为(680 ±145) mg/L、(28.5 ±12.1) mg/L, 深度70 ~ 90 m井水的总硬度最高(816 ±166) mg/L; 花乡地区井水的硝酸盐最高(34 ±14) mg/L; 平原与山区井水合格率分别为3.57%、76.47%。21眼井有水质深度净化处理设备, 处理后水质合格率76.19%。
      结论 高硝酸盐、高硬度是普遍影响丰台农村井水水质的主要原因, 且存在不同井深与地区间差异, 山区深井水质相对较好, 说明丰台区生活饮用水的改善仍需推进。


      Objectives To investigate the quality of groundwater in rural Fengtai District, Beijing, and to provide a scientific basis for rural water improvement.
      Method A total of 313 wells were investigated and 27 kinds of water indexes of groundwater and treated water samples were detected, the results were assessed according to the "Standards for Drinking Water Quality"(GB 5749-2006).
      Results Qualified rates of total hardness, nitrate, sulfate, chloride, zinc, iron and total bacteria were 6.71%, 16.88%, 96.17%, 97.76%, 97.12%, 99.04% and 93.93% respectively, those of other indexes were 100%.Average concentrations of total hardness and nitrate were 680 ±145 mg/L and 28.5 ±12.1 mg/L, respectively.The average concentration of total hardness of wells with a depth of 70m to 90m was higher(816 ±166 mg/L).The average concentration of nitrate for wells located at Huaxiang area was higher (34 ±14 mg/L).General qualified rates of groundwater in plain and mountainous areas were 3.57% and 76.47% respectively.The general qualified rate of treated water from 21 wells, which had been equipped with advanced treatment facilities, was 76.19%.
      Conclusions Higher total hardness and higher nitrate contents were the main factors influencing the quality of groundwater in rural Fengtai district.The hardness and nitrate content of water were significantly different in wells with different depth in different areas.The quality of water from deep wells in mountainous areas was better than that in plain areas.The results indicated that the improvement of rural drinking water should be carried out.


