付俊杰, 吴莉华, 何加芬, 刘成锋, 徐岷, 王永华. 江西省2011-2012年城市生活饮用水水质分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(5): 409-412.
    引用本文: 付俊杰, 吴莉华, 何加芬, 刘成锋, 徐岷, 王永华. 江西省2011-2012年城市生活饮用水水质分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(5): 409-412.
    Fu Junjie, Wu Lihua, He Jiafen, Liu Chengfeng, Xu Min, Wang Yonghua. Analysis on the Quality of Drinking Water in the Urban Area of Jiangxi Province in 2011-2012[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(5): 409-412.
    Citation: Fu Junjie, Wu Lihua, He Jiafen, Liu Chengfeng, Xu Min, Wang Yonghua. Analysis on the Quality of Drinking Water in the Urban Area of Jiangxi Province in 2011-2012[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(5): 409-412.


    Analysis on the Quality of Drinking Water in the Urban Area of Jiangxi Province in 2011-2012

    • 摘要:
      目的 分析江西省2011-2012年城市生活饮用水水质状况, 为保障城市居民饮水安全提供科学依据。
      方法 分别在2011-2012年选取部分城市的市政供水、集中供水、二次供水单位作为监测对象, 采集出厂水、末梢水和二次供水的样品进行检测、评价。
      结果 2 a共采集水样3777份, 总体合格率为92%, 二次供水不合格的指标有总大肠菌群、菌落总数、氨氮、浑浊度、pH、游离氯、二氧化氯; 集中供水不合格指标有总大肠菌群、菌落总数、浑浊度、pH、铝、铁、游离氯、七氯; 部分城市管网老化腐蚀可能影响末梢水水质。
      结论 市政集中供水水质好于自建集中供水和二次供水; 对城市所有供水单位的监督管理亟待加强。


      Objectives To analyze the quality of drinking water in the urban area of Jiangxi Province in 2011-2012, and to provide scientific basis to ensure the drinking water safety for urban residents.
      Methods The finished water and peripheral water samples collected from municipal water supply, centralized water supply and secondary water supply were detected and evaluated.
      Results The total qualified rate of 3 777 samples was 92%. The unqualified items of secondary water supply were total coliform bacteria, total plate count, ammonia nitrogen, opacity, pH, free chlorine and chlorine dioxide. The unqualified items of centralized water supply were total coliform bacteria, total plate count, opacity, pH, Al, Fe, free chlorine and heptachlor. The quality of tap water from the municipal water supply might be affected by the aging and corrosion of water pipe networks.
      Conclusions The quality of tap water from municipal centralized water supply was better than the self-built centralized water supply and secondary water supply. The supervision and management of all urban water supply units should be strengthened.


