周颖, 沈伟娟, 高轩业. 上海市青浦区公共场所控烟条例实施效果评估[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(5): 413-415, 419.
    引用本文: 周颖, 沈伟娟, 高轩业. 上海市青浦区公共场所控烟条例实施效果评估[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(5): 413-415, 419.
    Zhou Ying, Shen Weijuan, Gao Xuanye. Effect of Tobacco Control Regulation in Public Places in Qingpu District of Shanghai[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(5): 413-415, 419.
    Citation: Zhou Ying, Shen Weijuan, Gao Xuanye. Effect of Tobacco Control Regulation in Public Places in Qingpu District of Shanghai[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(5): 413-415, 419.


    Effect of Tobacco Control Regulation in Public Places in Qingpu District of Shanghai

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》(简称《条例》)实施后青浦区居民的控烟知识情况以及《条例》执行情况。
      方法 分别于《条例》实施初期和实施1.5 a后, 通过分层随机抽样选择区内4类103家公共场所进行禁烟措施观测, 并随机选择场所内工作人员和来访人员进行问卷调查。
      结果 公共场所中各项控烟措施除劝导、执法方面外均有较大改进, 除了第四类场所外调查对象对烟草知晓率、对环境满意度也有明显提高。
      结论 《条例》的实施效果显著, 不足之处需要进一步加强。


      Objectives To learn the state of implementing "Smoking Control Regulation in Public Places of Shanghai" and the relevant knowledge of residents in Qingpu district after executing the regulation.
      Methods The implementation of smoking control measures in 4 categories of 103 public places in the region was observed by stratified random sampling method after the initial implementation of the regulation and one year and a half later, and a questionnaire survey was conducted in randomly selected staffs and visitors.
      Results The practice of tobacco control measures in public places has been greatly improved excepting in the aspects of persuasion and law enforcement. The awareness of tobacco hazards and the satisfaction of environment in residents have significantly improved excepting in the fourth category of public places.
      Conclusions The effectiveness of implementing the "Regulation" is significant, and the insufficiency need to be further improved.


