蔡美, 杨海霞, 王文龙. 2008—2010年甘肃省农村地区饮用水水质卫生状况分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(3): 128-130.
    引用本文: 蔡美, 杨海霞, 王文龙. 2008—2010年甘肃省农村地区饮用水水质卫生状况分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(3): 128-130.
    Cai Mei, Yang Haixia, Wang Wenlong. Analysis on Sanitary Status of Drinking Water Quality in Rural Areas of Gansu Province in 2008—2010[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(3): 128-130.
    Citation: Cai Mei, Yang Haixia, Wang Wenlong. Analysis on Sanitary Status of Drinking Water Quality in Rural Areas of Gansu Province in 2008—2010[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(3): 128-130.


    Analysis on Sanitary Status of Drinking Water Quality in Rural Areas of Gansu Province in 2008—2010

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解和掌握近年来甘肃省农村居民饮用水卫生状况。
      方法 对甘肃省22个县辖区内农村集中式水厂和分散式供水点连续3年进行基本情况调查,并在枯水期和丰水期分别采集水样检测。
      结果 共设置监测点611个,采集水样1 646份,集中式供水合格率为42.17%,分散式供水合格率为27.48%;单项指标合格率在95%以上的指标13项,超标较严重的指标总硬度、菌落总数和大肠菌群。
      结论 甘肃省农村集中式供水和分散式供水水质合格率低,主要问题是微生物污染。建议在不断提高农村自来水普及率、规范农村集中式供水运行管理、加强环境污染治理的同时,逐渐开展农村水质常规监测。


      Objectives To understand and master the situation of drinking water in rural areas of Gansu Province.
      Methods Twenty two counties in Gansu province were selected to build a quality monitoring network for rural drinking water supply. Water samples from centralized and decentralized water supply in these areas were detected in dry and wet period.
      Results A total of 1 646 samples from 611 monitoring points were selected. The qualified rate of water samples from centralized water supply was 42.17%. The qualified rate of water samples from decentralized water supply was 27.48%. The qualified rate of 13 indicators was higher than 95%. Total hardness, total number of colonies and total coliform bacteria exceeded the standards seriously.
      Conclusions The quality of centralized and decentralized water supply in the rural areas of Gansu Province was poor. Increasing the coverage of tap water, regulating the operation and management of centralized water supply, strengthening the environmental pollution control, and monitoring water quality regularly in rural areas are suggested.


