郭艳, 何伦发, 李玉, 鲁婧婧. 2007-2011年中山市新装修家居和办公场所室内空气质量分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(5): 211-213, 217.
    引用本文: 郭艳, 何伦发, 李玉, 鲁婧婧. 2007-2011年中山市新装修家居和办公场所室内空气质量分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(5): 211-213, 217.
    Guo Yan, He Lunfa, Li Yu, Lu Jingjing. Analysis on the Indoor Air Quality of Newly Decorated Homes and Offices in Zhongshan City in 2007-2011[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(5): 211-213, 217.
    Citation: Guo Yan, He Lunfa, Li Yu, Lu Jingjing. Analysis on the Indoor Air Quality of Newly Decorated Homes and Offices in Zhongshan City in 2007-2011[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(5): 211-213, 217.


    Analysis on the Indoor Air Quality of Newly Decorated Homes and Offices in Zhongshan City in 2007-2011

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解广东省中山市室内新装修家居和办公场所空气质量。
      方法 统计分析中山市2007-2011年监测的179户、1 269个监测点的家居和办公场所监测数据,监测指标包括甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯和总挥发性有机化合物(TVOCs),对其进行空气质量指数分析。
      结果 甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯和TVOCs的最高浓度分别为1.48 mg/m3、117.52 mg/m3、21.68 mg/m3、0.73 mg/m3和10.3 mg/m3; 家居场所的甲醛、甲苯和二甲苯浓度合格率显著低于办公场所(χ2=83.51,P=0.000; χ2=86.15,P=0.000; χ2=64.68,P=0.000);家居场所和办公场所的室内空气质量指数平均秩次分别为844.94和570.00,办公场所的室内空气质量优于家居场所(Z=-13.799,P<0.001)。
      结论 新装修场所有机物污染程度参差不齐,甲醛是首要的室内空气污染物,家居场所是室内空气污染的高风险场所,应对重点污染物和重点场所加强预防控制。


      Objectives To study the indoor air quality of newly decorated homes and offices in Zhongshan City.
      Methods The data of air quality collected from 1 269 monitoring sites of 179 places in 2007-2011 in Zhongshan City were analysed. The indexes were formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, dimethylbenzene and total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs).
      Results The max concentration of formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, dimethylbenzene and TVOCs was 1.48 mg/m3, 117.52 mg/m3, 21.68 mg/m3, 0.73 mg/m3and 10.3 mg/m3, respectively. The pass rates of formaldehyde, toluene and dimethylbenzene in homes were lower significantly than those in offices(χ2=83.51, P=0.000; χ2=86.15, P=0.000; χ2=64.68, P=0.000). The average rank on the indexes of indoor air quality of homes and offices was 844.94 and 570.00, respectively. The air quality of offices was better than that of homes(Z=-13.799, P < 0.001).
      Conclusions The pollution of organic compounds in newly decorated places was different. Formaldehyde was the principal indoor air pollutant. The risk of pollution in newly decorated home was high. Strengthening prevention and controlling key pollutants and key places are important.


