朱鸿斌, 苏晓平, 印悦, 杜慧兰, 张世超. 芦山地震灾区2周内饮用水影响因素分析及处置策略思考[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(4): 344-347, 351.
    引用本文: 朱鸿斌, 苏晓平, 印悦, 杜慧兰, 张世超. 芦山地震灾区2周内饮用水影响因素分析及处置策略思考[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(4): 344-347, 351.
    Zhu Hongbin, Su Xiaoping, Yin Yue, Du Huilan, Zhang Shichao. Analysis on Factors Influencing Safety of Drinking Water and Disposition Strategies in Two Weeks after Earthquake in Lushan[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(4): 344-347, 351.
    Citation: Zhu Hongbin, Su Xiaoping, Yin Yue, Du Huilan, Zhang Shichao. Analysis on Factors Influencing Safety of Drinking Water and Disposition Strategies in Two Weeks after Earthquake in Lushan[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(4): 344-347, 351.


    Analysis on Factors Influencing Safety of Drinking Water and Disposition Strategies in Two Weeks after Earthquake in Lushan

    • 摘要:
      目的 通过监测及时摸清"4·20"芦山地震灾区饮用水卫生状况, 分析风险因素, 针对性采取措施控制不安全因素, 保障灾区人民饮用水安全。
      方法 在"4·20"芦山地震灾区开展饮用水监测, 包括实验室检测及现场快速检测。定时上报检验数据。
      结果 地震导致水源水质变差, 水处理设施及管网受到严重毁坏, 水质合格率极低, 浑浊度、氨氮、大肠埃希菌等指标超标, 存在发生肠道传染病等涉水疾病的风险。采取加快管网恢复; 加强饮水监测监督工作, 督促强化饮水消毒; 跟进群众健康教育, 倡议饮开水; 与相关饮水管理部门共享信息、各施其职、共同采取措施保障饮用水安全。
      结论 本次饮水安全保障工作总结了汶川地震中的处置经验和教训, 统一指挥, 统一部署, 对灾害的应对更加快速, 处置更有效, 指导更有针对性。建议探索建立应急检测车, 为今后其他应急检测创造良好条件。


      Objectives To inspect the hygienic status of drinking water after the "4·20" earthquake in Lushan. To analyze risk factors and take strong measures to control unsafe factors pertinently to ensure the safety of drinking water in disaster areas.
      Methods The hygienic status of drinking water was monitored daily, including the test in laboratories and rapid testing on the spot.The tested data were reported timely.
      Results The quality of source water was turned bad and the water treatment installations and pipe networks were badly destroyed after the earthquake and the qualification rate of water was extremely low. The indexes of turbidity, ammonia nitrogen and Escherichia coli in drinking water were surpassed the standard limits.The risks of waterborne diseases, such as intestinal infectious diseases were high.Therefore, the recovery of pipe networks were sped up, the monitoring and supervision of drinking water was enhanced, intensifying the disinfection of drinking water was push forward, the health education was follow up and drinking boiled water was proposed. Sharing information with relevant departments responsible for drinking water management, carrying out their duties respectively to ensure the safety of drinking water were all suggested.
      Conclusions The work on ensuring the safety of drinking water in Lushan was learned from the lessons which have been drawn after the earthquake in Wenchuan.The response to the disaster in Lushan was so rapid, the disposition was so valid and the guidance was so pertinent with integrated commands and arrangements. Exploring the establishment of emergency inspection vehicles to create conditions for other emergency monitoring action in the future was suggested.


