刘睿聪, 曾婕, 秦岭, 程炼, 张成云. 某机场新建航站楼集中空调通风系统竣工验收卫生学评价[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(3): 262-265, 268.
    引用本文: 刘睿聪, 曾婕, 秦岭, 程炼, 张成云. 某机场新建航站楼集中空调通风系统竣工验收卫生学评价[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(3): 262-265, 268.
    Liu Ruicong, Zeng Jie, Qin Ling, Cheng Lian, Zhang Chengyun. Hygienic Evaluation for Final Acceptance of Central Air Conditioning Ventilation System in New Airport Terminal[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(3): 262-265, 268.
    Citation: Liu Ruicong, Zeng Jie, Qin Ling, Cheng Lian, Zhang Chengyun. Hygienic Evaluation for Final Acceptance of Central Air Conditioning Ventilation System in New Airport Terminal[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(3): 262-265, 268.


    Hygienic Evaluation for Final Acceptance of Central Air Conditioning Ventilation System in New Airport Terminal

    • 摘要:
      目的 分析集中空调通风系统中可能存在的健康危害因素, 减少空气传播性疾病在建筑物内爆发流行的潜在危险。
      方法 采用查看设计图、现场调查、现场采样检测、风险评估等方法对该建筑物的集中空调通风系统进行调查、分析和评价。
      结果 该建筑物集中空调通风系统风管内表面有3个采样点的细菌总数和9个采样点的真菌总数超过标准限值; 送风有2个采样点的细菌总数和9个采样点的真菌总数超过标准限值; 其余检测指标合格。
      结论 该集中空调通风系统不符合《公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生规范》(WS 394-2012) 的要求, 须经过清洗消毒合格后方可投入使用。


      Objectives To identify and analyze the health risk factors which might present in the central air conditioning ventilation system (CACVS) of a new airport terminal to reduce the potential risk of airborne disease outbreak.
      Methods To investigate, analyze and evaluate the acceptance of the system through checking the design, field investigation, field sampling and detection, risk assessment etc.
      Results The total bacteria counts and the total fungi counts on the inner surface of air tubes exceeded the national standard in 3 samples and 9 samples, respectively. The total bacteria counts and the fungi counts in air supply system exceeded the national standard limits in 2 samples and in 9 samples, respectively.The other indexes were qualified.
      Conclusions This CACVS was not qualified for the requirement in Hygienic Specification of Central Air Conditioning Ventilation System in Public Buildings (WS 394-2012).Therefore, this CACVS could be used only after being cleaned and disinfected.


