李永红, 兰莉, 程义斌, 崔国权, 杨超, 刘迎春, 刘静怡, 李成橙, 吴珍, 金银龙. 哈尔滨市某城区高温敏感疾病和脆弱人群的粗筛[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(4): 321-324, 330.
    引用本文: 李永红, 兰莉, 程义斌, 崔国权, 杨超, 刘迎春, 刘静怡, 李成橙, 吴珍, 金银龙. 哈尔滨市某城区高温敏感疾病和脆弱人群的粗筛[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(4): 321-324, 330.
    Li Yonghong, Lan Li, Cheng Yibin, Cui Guoquan, Yang Chao, Liu Yingchun, Liu Jingyi, Li Chengcheng, Wu Zhen, Jin Yinlong. High Temperature Sensitive Diseases and Vulnerable Population in One District of Harbin[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(4): 321-324, 330.
    Citation: Li Yonghong, Lan Li, Cheng Yibin, Cui Guoquan, Yang Chao, Liu Yingchun, Liu Jingyi, Li Chengcheng, Wu Zhen, Jin Yinlong. High Temperature Sensitive Diseases and Vulnerable Population in One District of Harbin[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(4): 321-324, 330.


    High Temperature Sensitive Diseases and Vulnerable Population in One District of Harbin

    • 摘要:
      目的 以哈尔滨市某城区死亡资料为基础筛选高温敏感疾病和脆弱人群。
      方法 首先确定夏季死亡数明显增加的阈值温度, 将日最高温度高于阈值温度的日子称为"热日", 通过比较热日与非热日不同死因和不同年龄、性别人群的死亡数来筛选高温敏感疾病和脆弱人群。
      结果 哈尔滨死亡数明显增加的日最高温度阈值为30℃。循环系统、呼吸系统、意外伤害、内分泌疾病、泌尿系统、精神疾病和肿瘤热日与非热日日死亡数间的差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。65岁以上老年人热日日死亡数明显高于非热日(P < 0.05), 男女之间的敏感性差异无统计学意义。
      结论 循环系统、呼吸系统、意外伤害、泌尿系统和精神疾病等为高温敏感疾病, 65岁以上的老年人是高温脆弱人群之一。


      Objectives To screen the high temperature sensitive diseases and related vulnerable subpopulation based on the mortality data in one district of Harbin.
      Methods To confirm firstly the threshold air temperature over which the daily mortality would be obviously increased. The day with an air temperature over the threshold was called "hot day". The high temperature sensitive diseases were selected through comparing the average number of death caused by different diseases on hot days with those on non-hot days in June to August. The vulnerable population was selected through comparing the average number of death in different age and gender groups on hot days with those on non-hot days.
      Results The threshold temperature in Harbin was 30℃. The number of death caused by circulatory system disease, respiratory disease, accidental injury, endocrine disease, urinary system disease, mental disease and cancer on hot days was statistically significantly higher than that on non-hot days (P < 0.05). The number of death in the elder population more than 65 years on hot day was significantly higher than that on non-hot days. There was no significant difference on the sensitivity to high air temperature between male and female.
      Conclusions Circulatory system disease, respiratory disease, accidental injury, endocrine disease, urinary system disease, mental disease and cancer might be the high air temperature sensitive diseases and the elder population more than 65 years might be one of the vulnerable populations to high air temperature in Harbin.


