忽文静, 王春妍. 栾城县农村饮用水现状分析及污染控制对策[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(4): 392-394.
    引用本文: 忽文静, 王春妍. 栾城县农村饮用水现状分析及污染控制对策[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(4): 392-394.
    Hu Wenjing, Wang Chunyan. Analysis on Situation of Rural Drinking Water in Luancheng County and Countermeasures for Pollution Control[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(4): 392-394.
    Citation: Hu Wenjing, Wang Chunyan. Analysis on Situation of Rural Drinking Water in Luancheng County and Countermeasures for Pollution Control[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(4): 392-394.


    Analysis on Situation of Rural Drinking Water in Luancheng County and Countermeasures for Pollution Control

    • 摘要:
      目的 探讨栾城县农村饮用水监管对策, 确保广大农村居民饮水卫生安全。
      方法 采取现场调查和向相关部门收集资料, 对数据进行分析。
      结果 农业面源、工业点源污染等造成地下水不同程度的污染, 水质合格率为82%, 不合格水样中有1份水样7项指标超标, 很容易危及人民的生命健康。
      结论 栾城县农村饮用水保护工作不容乐观, 形势依然严峻, 建议科学监测, 强化饮用水消毒和管理; 从源头根治污染问题, 制定合理的污染治理和修复方案, 解决农村饮用水污染问题。


      Objectives To explore countermeasures for the supervision of rural drinking water in Luancheng County to ensure the safety of drinking water and the health of rural residents.
      Methods Investigating in the field, collecting information from relevant departments and analyzing data.
      Results ① protection of drinking water sources, pollution control, formulating a reasonable pollution control and restoration scheme; ② strengthening the disinfection and management of rural drinking water, increasing the frequency of monitoring drinking water; ③ strengthening publicity and education, improving farmers' environmental awareness.
      Conclusions Some progresses have been made on rural drinking water protection in Luancheng County, but the situation was still grim; the irrational application of fertilizer, pesticide, sewage irrigation, and the discharge of waste water caused water pollution by some industrial enterprises were easy to endanger people's health. Clearing the source of water pollution, solving the problem of water pollution in rural areas from the source.


