吴玉峰, 丰丽艳. 全自动菌落分析仪计数结果的初步探讨[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(5): 420-421, 425.
    引用本文: 吴玉峰, 丰丽艳. 全自动菌落分析仪计数结果的初步探讨[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(5): 420-421, 425.
    Wu Yufeng, Feng Liyan. Preliminary Study on the Results of an Automatic Colony Counts Analyzer[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(5): 420-421, 425.
    Citation: Wu Yufeng, Feng Liyan. Preliminary Study on the Results of an Automatic Colony Counts Analyzer[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(5): 420-421, 425.


    Preliminary Study on the Results of an Automatic Colony Counts Analyzer

    • 摘要:
      目的 验证国产某品牌全自动菌落分析仪的准确性和稳定性, 探讨在日常工作中使用此仪器进行菌落计数的可行性。
      方法 随机抽取28份生活饮用水进行细菌总数检验, 分别通过仪器和人工计数, 同时随机抽取1份水样用仪器法计数10次, 对获得的数据进行对比和分析。
      结果 仪器法与人工计数法计数结果之间具有较高相关性(r等于0.976, P等于0.000), 均数间经t检验差异不具有显著性(t等于1.164, P等于0.254)。重复计数10次变异系数CV%=4.07%。
      结论 该型全自动菌落分析仪计数结果与人工计数法没有明显区别, 对饮用水菌落计数结果精确性和重复性良好、计数效率较高, 在日常工作中具有一定的使用价值。


      Objectives To validate the veracity and stability of an automatic colony counts analyzer, and to study the feasibility of using the instrument in routine works.
      Methods Twenty eight drinking water samples were randomly selected, and the number of colony was counted both by instrument method and artificial method. The number of colonies of one randomly selected water sample was counted for 10 times by the instrument method, and the results were compared with artificial method and statistically analyzed.
      Results There was a high correlation (r equals to 0.976, P equals to 0.000) of the colony counts between instrument method and artificial method, and no significant difference on the means (t equals to 1.164, P equals to 0.254) of these two methods. The coefficient of variation (CV) for 10 times of determination of the same sample was 4.07%.
      Conclusions The results showed that no appreciable difference between instrument method and artificial method on colony counts in water sample. The advantage of the instrument method was high precision, good repeatability and high efficiency. It is practical of using this automatic colony counts analyzer in routine works of testing colony counts in drinking water.


