敬燕燕, 崔宝荣, 李洁, 周慧霞, 肖贵勇, 冯瑶, 赵建忠. 2004-2012年北京市丰台区游泳场所水质卫生学监测结果分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(2): 147-150.
    引用本文: 敬燕燕, 崔宝荣, 李洁, 周慧霞, 肖贵勇, 冯瑶, 赵建忠. 2004-2012年北京市丰台区游泳场所水质卫生学监测结果分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(2): 147-150.
    Jing Yanyan, Cui Baorong, Li Jie, Zhou Huixia, Xiao Guiyong, Feng Yao, Zhao Jianzhong. Analysis on Results of Water Hygiene Monitoring for Swimming Pools in Fengtai District of Beijing in 2004-2012[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(2): 147-150.
    Citation: Jing Yanyan, Cui Baorong, Li Jie, Zhou Huixia, Xiao Guiyong, Feng Yao, Zhao Jianzhong. Analysis on Results of Water Hygiene Monitoring for Swimming Pools in Fengtai District of Beijing in 2004-2012[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(2): 147-150.


    Analysis on Results of Water Hygiene Monitoring for Swimming Pools in Fengtai District of Beijing in 2004-2012

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解北京市丰台区游泳场所水质卫生状况, 保障游泳者的身体健康, 为政府监管提供科学依据。
      方法 按照《公共场所卫生监测技术规范》(GB/T 17220-1998) 采集丰台区游泳池水样, 按照《公共场所卫生标准检验方法》(GB/T 18204-2000) 对样品进行检验, 根据《游泳场所卫生标准》(GB 9667-1996) 进行评价。
      结果 2004-2012年共采集游泳池水5 935份, 合格3 614份, 总体合格率为60.89%;各年总体合格率有显著性差异; 不同季度游泳池水总体合格率及尿素合格率均有显著性差异, 第三季度游泳池水总体合格率及尿素合格率均低于其它季度; 不同类型游泳场所(社会经营性健身及洗浴场所、学校及宾馆饭店)总体合格率、池水尿素合格率有显著性差异, 不同类型游泳场所游泳池水的总体合格率及尿素合格率关系均为社会经营性健身及洗浴场所游泳池 < 学校游泳池 < 宾馆饭店游泳池; 室内游泳馆游泳池水总体合格率低于室外游泳池。
      结论 丰台区游泳场所水质不合格项目主要为尿素, 尤其应在第三季度游泳高峰期加强对室内社会经营性健身及洗浴场所水质卫生监管, 对游泳人员开展游泳卫生知识健康宣教。


      Objectives To understand the hygienic status of water in swimming pools in Fengtai district of Beijing to ensure the health of swimmers and provide scientific basis for supervising.
      Methods Water samples were collected randomly from swimming pools by the Technical Rules of Health Monitoring for Public Places (GB/T 17220-1998) and tested by the Determination Methods for Hygienic Standards in Public Places (GB/T 18204-2000), and the water quality was evaluated by the Hygienic Standard for Swimming Place (GB 9677-1996).
      Results A total of 3 614 water samples were qualified in 5 935 water samples being tested in 2004-2012, with a qualification rate of 60.89%. The overall pass rate and the qualification rate for urea in swimming pools were significantly different for each year and in different quarters of a year. The overall pass rate and qualification rate of urea in swimming pool in the third quarter of a year were lower than other quarters of the year. As for the overall pass rate and the qualification rate for urea in swimming places operated by different types of units, the sequence was public swimming pool and bathing place < school < hotel, and indoor < outdoor.
      Conclusions The main unqualified item for water hygiene in swimming pool was urea in Fengtai district. Supervision on water hygiene in the third quarter of a year should be strengthened, especially in the indoor swimming pools and public bathing places. Carrying out education on the hygiene of water in swimming pools for relevant personnel is needed.


