何昌云, 黄锦叙, 吴和岩, 潘尚霞, 张建鹏, 戴昌芳, 梁少娟. 2008—2011年广东省农村饮用水供水情况及水质变化分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(3): 112-116.
    引用本文: 何昌云, 黄锦叙, 吴和岩, 潘尚霞, 张建鹏, 戴昌芳, 梁少娟. 2008—2011年广东省农村饮用水供水情况及水质变化分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(3): 112-116.
    He Changyun, Huang Jinxu, Wu Heyan, Pan Shangxia, Zhang Jianpeng, Dai Changfang, Liang Shaojuan. Analysis of the Change in Rural Water Supply in Guangdong Province from 2008 to 2011[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(3): 112-116.
    Citation: He Changyun, Huang Jinxu, Wu Heyan, Pan Shangxia, Zhang Jianpeng, Dai Changfang, Liang Shaojuan. Analysis of the Change in Rural Water Supply in Guangdong Province from 2008 to 2011[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(3): 112-116.


    Analysis of the Change in Rural Water Supply in Guangdong Province from 2008 to 2011

    • 摘要:
      目的 掌握广东省2008-2011年农村饮用水供水情况及水质状况变化趋势, 为相关部门制订下一步农村改水工作规划提供参考依据。
      方法 从中国疾病预防控制中心信息系统健康危害信息系统下载2008-2011年广东省农村水质监测网报资料进行统计分析。
      结果 2008-2011年, 以地面水为饮用水源的人口占农村总人口比例分别是56.42%、56.97%、60.09%、61.17%, 呈逐年上升趋势, 以地下水为饮用水源的人口占农村总人口比例分别是43.58%、43.03%、39.91%、38.83%, 呈逐年下降趋势。从各年不同水源饮用人口比例情况看, 广东省农村饮用水源以江河水、水库水、浅井水为主, 其次是溪水和泉水, 以湖泊、沟塘为水源的人口比例较小。2008-2011年, 集中式供水人口占农村总人口比例分别为60.09%、60.14%、64.01%、66.90%, 呈逐年上升趋势, 分散式供水人口占农村总人口比例分别是37.79%、38.01%、35.99%、33.27%, 呈下降趋势, 完全处理的集中式供水人口比例最大, 占农村总人口的40%以上。2008-2011年, 集中式供水合格率分别为45.74%、46.25%、58.10%、61.04%, 分散式供水合格率分别为17.23%、24.21%、31.59%、42.00%, 均呈逐年上升趋势。各调查年份集中式供水与分散式供水水质合格率差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为411.854、147.335、218.368、109.057, P < 0.05)。
      结论 近年来, 分散式供水人口比例有所下降, 集中式供水人口比例有所上升, 两者水质合格率都有所提高, 但目前分散式供水人口比例仍较高, 水质合格率仍偏低, 需继续加快农村饮水工程建设, 普及自来水, 并加强水质处理管理。


      Objectives To grasp the change trend of rural water supply and provide scientific basis for next water improvement programs.
      Methods The rural water quality monitoring network data of Guangdong Province from the National Information System for Disease Control and Prevention of Health Hazards in 2008-2011 were downloaded and analyzed.
      Results The proportion of population using surface water as drinking water source was rising year by year from 2008 to 2011 (56.42%, 56.97%, 60.09% and 61.17%), while that using groundwater as drinking water source was decreasing (43.58%, 43.03%, 39.91% and 38.83%). The source of drinking water in rural areas of Guangdong Province was mainly from river, reservoir and shallow well water, followed by stream and spring water, and a smaller percentage from lake and pond water. The proportion of population using centralized water supply was rising from 2008 to 2011 (60.09%, 60.14%, 64.01% and 66.90%), while that using decentralized water supply was in a downward trend (37.79%, 38.01%, 35.99% and 33.27%). The people using complete processed centralized water supply accounted 40% of total rural population. The qualified rates of centralized water supply were 45.74%, 46.25%, 58.10% and 61.04%, and those of decentralized water supply were 17.23%, 24.21%, 31.59% and 42% in a rising trend from 2008 to 2011.
      Conclusion The proportion of population using decentralized water supply in rural areas was decreased, on the contrary, those using centralized water supply was increased. The qualified rate of water supply was increased from 2008 to 2011. The proportion of population using decentralized water supply was still high, and the qualified rate of water supply was still low; thus accelerating the construction of rural drinking water projects, strengthening the popularization of tap water and water quality management should be continued.


