刘景兰, 孔建, 张少平, 治洪, 张明, 赵康峰. 不同增/溶剂对Ames试验致突变性的影响[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(3): 105-107.
    引用本文: 刘景兰, 孔建, 张少平, 治洪, 张明, 赵康峰. 不同增/溶剂对Ames试验致突变性的影响[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(3): 105-107.
    Liu Jinglan, Kong Jian, Zhang Shaoping, Zhi Hong, Zhang Ming, Zhao Kangfeng. Effect of 8 Solubilizers/Solvents on the Detection of Mutagenicity in Ames Test[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(3): 105-107.
    Citation: Liu Jinglan, Kong Jian, Zhang Shaoping, Zhi Hong, Zhang Ming, Zhao Kangfeng. Effect of 8 Solubilizers/Solvents on the Detection of Mutagenicity in Ames Test[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(3): 105-107.


    Effect of 8 Solubilizers/Solvents on the Detection of Mutagenicity in Ames Test

    • 摘要:
      目的 观察8种增/溶剂对Ames试验致突变性检出的影响,为合理选用增/溶剂提供参考。
      方法 依照《化妆品卫生规范》 (2007) 中鼠伤寒沙门氏菌/回复突变试验方法,对95%乙醇、甲醇、丙酮、吐温-20、吐温-60、吐温-80、DMSO和乙酸乙酯8种增/溶剂进行测定和结果判定。
      结果 吐温-20在不大于5.0 mg/皿剂量下,其余7种增/溶剂在最大剂量100.0 mg/皿情况下对TA97、TA98、TA100和TA102菌株的回变菌落数对比判定均显阴性。
      结论 Ames试验中,95%乙醇、甲醇、丙酮、吐温-60、吐温-80、DMSO和乙酸乙酯最大使用剂量可为100.0 mg/皿; 吐温-20最大使用剂量为5.0 mg/皿。


      Objectives To observe the effect of 8 solubilizers/solvents on the detection of mutagenicity in Ames Test to provide reference for reasonable selection of solubilizers/solvents.
      Methods Reverse mutation of Salmonella typhimurium test was used for testing the mutagenic effect of 8 solubilizers/solvents, including 95% ethanol, methanol, acetone, tween-20, tween-60, tween-80, DMSO and ethyl acetate on the results implemented according to the Ames Tests method in the Hygienic Standard for Cosmetics (2007).
      Results Under the concentrations of not more than 5.0 mg/petri dish for tween-20, and the maximum dose of 100.0 mg/petri dish for other 7 solubilizers/solvents, the comparative judgement of revertant colonies of TA97, TA98, TA100 and TA102 strains were negative.
      Conclusion As the maximum dose, 100.0 mg/petri dish for 95% ethanol, methanol, acetone, tween-60, tween-80, DMSO and ethyl acetate, and not more than 5.0 mg/petri dish for tween-20 could be used in Ames Test.


