张仕云. 关于入境维修旧驳船的卫生监管探讨[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(1): 20-22.
    引用本文: 张仕云. 关于入境维修旧驳船的卫生监管探讨[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(1): 20-22.
    Zhang Shiyun. Sanitary Supervision on Repairing Business for the Entry of Old Barges[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(1): 20-22.
    Citation: Zhang Shiyun. Sanitary Supervision on Repairing Business for the Entry of Old Barges[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(1): 20-22.


    Sanitary Supervision on Repairing Business for the Entry of Old Barges

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解入境维修旧驳船卫生状况、污染情况, 探讨监督管理措施。
      方法 统计分析南伟码头口岸2010年下半年-2011年上半年入境维修旧驳船存在的卫生问题、环境污染问题。
      结果 旧驳船卫生状况较差占34%, 携带医学媒介生物占6%, 存在重金属污染、生活垃圾污染等情况。
      结论 入境维修旧驳船不仅给我国的环境带来了影响, 还增加了疫病疫情的传播风险, 给人民的身体健康和生命安全造成威胁, 必须加强入境维修旧驳船的监督管理。


      Objectives To investigate the sanitation and environment pollution of old barges entered for repairing in Nanwei port, and to explore supervision and management measures.
      Methods Analyzing the problems of sanitation and environmental condition resulted from the repairing business on the entry of old barges in Nanwei port from the later half year of 2010 to the early half year of 2011.
      Results The old barges with poor health conditions accounted for 34% and those carried with medical vectors accounted for 6%; they were also polluted with heavy metals and garbage.
      Conclusions Repairing the entered old barge had an impact not only on our environment, but also increased the risk of spreading epidemic diseases from other countries. Strengthening the supervision and management for the business on repairing the entered old barges is needed.


