苏丽琴, 程义斌, 辛鹏举, 陈晨, 刘静怡, 吴珍, 李成橙, 金银龙. 三城市公共卫生人员对气候变化健康影响的知识、态度、行为调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(6): 507-509, 514.
    引用本文: 苏丽琴, 程义斌, 辛鹏举, 陈晨, 刘静怡, 吴珍, 李成橙, 金银龙. 三城市公共卫生人员对气候变化健康影响的知识、态度、行为调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(6): 507-509, 514.
    Su Liqin, Cheng Yibin, Xin Pengju, Chen Chen, Liu Jingyi, Wu Zhen, Li Chengcheng, Jin Yinlong. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Public Health Professionals in Three Cities of China on Climate Change and Human Health[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(6): 507-509, 514.
    Citation: Su Liqin, Cheng Yibin, Xin Pengju, Chen Chen, Liu Jingyi, Wu Zhen, Li Chengcheng, Jin Yinlong. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Public Health Professionals in Three Cities of China on Climate Change and Human Health[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(6): 507-509, 514.


    Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Public Health Professionals in Three Cities of China on Climate Change and Human Health

    • 摘要:
      目的  了解我国公共卫生专业人员气候变化相关知识、态度和行为的现状。
      方法  采用分层整群抽样的方法, 抽取3个不同地理纬度城市28家公共卫生机构的795名业务科室工作人员作为调查对象, 开展自我管理式问卷调查。
      结果  气候变化知晓率84.4%, 但对气候变化这一公共卫生问题的关注率仅为43.5%。69.1%可回答3项以上热浪期间慢病患者的注意事项; 58.6%可回答5项及以上中暑发生的影响因素; 71.1%可回答2项及以上中暑的急救措施。75%以上的调查对象对气候变化相关工作均持肯定态度, 其中84.4%认为对公众开展适应气候变化的相关健康教育很重要, 但仅38.5%调查对象曾经参加过适应气候变化保护人群健康的相关活动, 55%曾在热浪期间宣传慢病防治知识。大众媒体是获取气候变化及健康影响相关知识的主要途径, 专业培训及会议仅占35.8%。
      结论  我国公共卫生人员在适应气候变化保护公众健康的能力方面亟待提高, 适应气候变化保护人群健康方面的工作有待进一步加强。


      Objectives  To learn the knowledge, attitude and practice of public health professionals on climate change issues.
      Methods  A total of 795 public health professionals from 28 public health agencies in three cities of China were recruited by stratified cluster sampling method and interviewed with a self-administrated questionnaire.
      Results  The subjects who were aware of climate change accounted for 84.4%, while only 43.5% of them concerned about the public health problems induced by climate change; 69.1% of them could tell more than 3 items of precautions necessary for chronic disease patients during heat wave; 58.6% of them could tell more than 3 factors causing heat stroke; 71.1% of them could tell more than 2 first aid measures for heat stroke. More than 75% of subjects were positive to carry out various activities adaptive to climate changing; 84.4% of them thought that carrying out public health education were important; only 38.5% of subjects participated in related activities and 55% of them had disseminated the knowledge on prevention of chronic diseases attack against heat wave. The main knowledge was from mass media, while only 35.8% from professional training.
      Conclusions  Improving the capability of public health professionals and strengthening their work to adapt climate change and public health protection is needed.


