吴丰德, 郭强, 胡新全, 杨静, 徐鹏, 王建强, 刘晓峰, 杨少华. 铁路电气化改造对机车司机室劳动卫生条件影响的研究——机车司机室微小气候及空气环境卫生质量评价[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(6): 285-288,299.
    引用本文: 吴丰德, 郭强, 胡新全, 杨静, 徐鹏, 王建强, 刘晓峰, 杨少华. 铁路电气化改造对机车司机室劳动卫生条件影响的研究——机车司机室微小气候及空气环境卫生质量评价[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(6): 285-288,299.
    Wu Fengde, Guo Qiang, Hu Xinquan, Yang Jing, Xu Peng, Wang Jianqiang, Liu Xiaofeng, Yang Shaohua. Effects of Train Electrification Reformation on the Labor Sanitation in Working-room for Locomotive Drivers——Evaluation on the Quality of Exiguous Climate and Environmental Air Sanitation in the Working-room for Locomotive Drivers[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(6): 285-288,299.
    Citation: Wu Fengde, Guo Qiang, Hu Xinquan, Yang Jing, Xu Peng, Wang Jianqiang, Liu Xiaofeng, Yang Shaohua. Effects of Train Electrification Reformation on the Labor Sanitation in Working-room for Locomotive Drivers——Evaluation on the Quality of Exiguous Climate and Environmental Air Sanitation in the Working-room for Locomotive Drivers[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(6): 285-288,299.


    Effects of Train Electrification Reformation on the Labor Sanitation in Working-room for Locomotive Drivers——Evaluation on the Quality of Exiguous Climate and Environmental Air Sanitation in the Working-room for Locomotive Drivers

    • 摘要:
      目的 为了解提速及电化改造后机车乘务人员的劳动卫生现状, 对机车司机室微小气候及空气环境卫生质量进行监测。
      方法 按照《旅客列车卫生及监测技术规范》(TB/T 1932-2009) 及《铁路司机室照明测量方法》(TB/T 2011-87)、《电力机车通用技术条件》(GB/T 3317-2006) 进行监测与评价; 以≥31℃为高温判定标准。
      结果 风速、可吸入颗粒、CO、照度等项目无论冬夏季合格率均为100%, CO2合格率也较高。但温度与相对湿度的合格率尚不尽如人意; 电力和内燃两种类型机车司机室在温度、相对湿度、风速、CO、CO2、可吸入颗粒、照度等指标的监测均值差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。
      结论 空气质量较好而微小气候上存在不足仍是机车司机室突出问题; 温度的合格与人的舒适感相矛盾是因评价标准不同; 吸烟可导致空气质量的急剧恶化; 内燃机车机械间CO、CO2浓度含量较高但对司机室空气质量影响有限; 部分机车司机存在中暑、CO2中毒及空调所致疾病的潜在威胁。


      Objectives To understand the present situation about labor sanitation of working room for locomotive drivers after train speed raising and electrification reformation and to survey the exiguous climate and the quality of environmental air sanitation in the working-room for locomotive drivers.
      Methods The survey and evaluation were conducted according to the national standards "Technical Speculation on the Sanitation and Surveillance in Passenger Train"(TB/T 1932-2009), "Measuring Method for the Illumination in Locomotive Driver's Working-room"(TB/T 2011-87) and"General Specifications of electric locomotives"(GB/T 3317-2006).
      Results The qualification rate of wind-speed, PM10, CO and luminance reached 100% whenever in summer or winter, and the qualification rate of CO2 was also higher, but the qualification rate of temperature and relative humidity were unsatisfactory.There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) on the average value of temperature, relative humidity, wind-speed, CO, CO2, PM10, luminance in driver's working-rooms between electric and diesel locomotives.
      Conclusions Better air quality but some unsatisfactory exiguous climate was still an outstanding problem in driver's working-room.The contradiction of comfortable feeling with unqualified temperature was because of different measuring standards.Smoking will affect air quality dramatically. The concentration of CO and CO2 were higher in the engine-room of diesel locomotive but the influence on the air quality of driver's working-room was limited.Heatstroke, toxication caused by CO2 and disease caused by airconditioner would be the potential threaten to some drivers.


