武文方. 某国营企业影响职工职业健康教育效果相关因素调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(1): 34-37.
    引用本文: 武文方. 某国营企业影响职工职业健康教育效果相关因素调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(1): 34-37.
    Wu Wenfang. Investigation and Analysis on Influential Factors Related to Occupationa1 Hea1th Education in a State-owned Enterprise[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(1): 34-37.
    Citation: Wu Wenfang. Investigation and Analysis on Influential Factors Related to Occupationa1 Hea1th Education in a State-owned Enterprise[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(1): 34-37.


    Investigation and Analysis on Influential Factors Related to Occupationa1 Hea1th Education in a State-owned Enterprise

    • 摘要:
      目的 为提高国营企业职业健康教育效果,调查职工健康教育的影响因素。
      方法 应用自制调查问卷,对工人的年龄、工龄、受教育的程度、是否患职业病、健康教育需求、培训方式等因素进行调查。
      结果 工人的年龄、工龄、受教育的程度、职业病史、职工对职业卫生的“知、信、行”情况,是影响职业健康教育效果的主要因素。职业卫生知识培训方式也是影响因素。
      结论 企业在开展职工的职业健康教育时,应考虑相关因素,设置不同年龄、工龄、教育程度等层面、针对不同人群、不同需求,提供有针对性的职业健康教育,同时应合理选择培训的方式。


      Objectives To investigate and analyze the influential factors related to occupational health education and the status of occupational health promotion in a state-owned enterprise.
      Methods Utilizing a selfmade questionnaire to investigate the age, length of service, the degree of education, whether suffered from occupational diseases, health education needs and training methods.
      Results Factors influencing the effectiveness of occupational health education are the age, length of service, degree of education, history of occupational diseases and the attitude of "knowledge, belief and practice" of workers, as well as the training methods for occupational health.
      Conclusions In carrying out an occupational education program, the age, length of service, the degree of education of workers should be considered according to the different population and different requirements for the training, to provide targeted occupational health education and select a reasonable training mode.


