胡运清, 彭柳明, 滕波, 潘峰. 溧阳市部分农村居民居住环境现状调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(2): 71-73.
    引用本文: 胡运清, 彭柳明, 滕波, 潘峰. 溧阳市部分农村居民居住环境现状调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(2): 71-73.
    Hu Yunqing, Peng Liuming, Teng Bo, Pan Feng. Investigation of Environmental Hygiene in Rural Areas in Liyang[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(2): 71-73.
    Citation: Hu Yunqing, Peng Liuming, Teng Bo, Pan Feng. Investigation of Environmental Hygiene in Rural Areas in Liyang[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(2): 71-73.


    Investigation of Environmental Hygiene in Rural Areas in Liyang

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解溧阳市部分农村居民环境卫生现状, 为政府部门制定相关政策提供依据。
      方法 采取按比例分层随机方式选取5个乡镇的4个行政村的100户居民作为调查对象, 开展现场环境卫生调查和四害密度监测。
      结果 农村居民使用集中式供水人口占89%, 分散式供水占11%。93.94%为三格式厕所, 6.06%为水冲式厕所。家庭生活垃圾产生量每日平均1.82 kg。生活污水以暗沟排放为主, 占43%, 排放地点以坑塘为主, 占55%;四害密度以苍蝇密度最高, 蟑迹密度最低, 分别占54%和5%。
      结论 农村居民的环境卫生得到了明显的改善, 但在污水排放和如何减少病媒生物孳生等方面还有待进一步加强和提高。


      Objectives To understand some environmental health status of rural residents in Liyang to provide a basis for government departments formulating relevant policies.
      Methods One hundred households in four administrative villages from five towns were selected by random in a proportional stratified way for conducting an onsite environmental health survey and monitoring the density of the four pests.
      Results Rural residents using centralized water supply or distributed water supply accounted for 89% and 11% respectively.The rural residents using three formats toilets or dry latrines accounted for 93.94% and 6.06% respectively.The amount of household wastes produced on average was 1.82 kg per day; and 43% of sewages were discharged from underground drains and 55% of them were discharged to ponds.The density of flies was the highest (54%) and the density of cockroach track (5%) was the lowest in the density of four pests.
      Conclusions The environmental health of rural residents has been improved significantly, but how to ameliorate the sewage discharges and to reduce the breeding of pests and other aspects should be further strengthened and enhanced


