姚利利, 沈先标, 袁江杰, 陈栋, 陈常. 一起化学性生活饮用水污染事件的调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(6): 551-553.
    引用本文: 姚利利, 沈先标, 袁江杰, 陈栋, 陈常. 一起化学性生活饮用水污染事件的调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(6): 551-553.
    Yao Lili, Shen Xianbiao, Yuan Jiangjie, Chen Dong, Chen Chang. Investigation on a Chemical Contamination Incident of Drinking Water[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(6): 551-553.
    Citation: Yao Lili, Shen Xianbiao, Yuan Jiangjie, Chen Dong, Chen Chang. Investigation on a Chemical Contamination Incident of Drinking Water[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(6): 551-553.


    Investigation on a Chemical Contamination Incident of Drinking Water

    • 摘要:
      目的 为减少或避免饮用水污染事件的发生, 探讨饮用水污染事件的调查处理措施, 提出相应的对策和建议。
      方法 对辖区内某居民小区发生的一起生活饮用水污染事件进行现场调查, 并采集水样进行实验室检测。
      结果 1号水箱及3户居民家中的4份水样中苯乙烯、六氯丁二烯两项指标均超过国家生活饮用水卫生标准限值。
      结论 因油漆作业导致该小区生活饮用水受到污染。建议加强对相关单位和个人的培训和教育, 加强饮用水卫生监督和管理, 有效防止水污染事件的发生。


      Objectives To reduce and avoid the incidence of drinking water contamination and to discuss and put forward suggestions and countermeasures.
      Methods An on-site investigation on the contaminated drinking water was carried out in a residential area, and water samples were collected for laboratory detection.
      Results The contents of styrene and hexachlorobutadiene in the four water samples collected from the water tanks and peripheral water outlets in this district were out of the limits prescribed in standards for drinking water quality.
      Conclusions The contamination of drinking water in this district was caused by improper painting jobs. It is suggested that the training and education of relevant water supply units and personnel on hygienic supervision and management of drinking water should be strengthened in order to prevent the incidence of water contamination.


