王卫, 臧照芳, 林绍雄, 夏云婷, 付彦芬. 海南某镇钩虫感染现状及家庭聚集性分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(2): 139-142.
    引用本文: 王卫, 臧照芳, 林绍雄, 夏云婷, 付彦芬. 海南某镇钩虫感染现状及家庭聚集性分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(2): 139-142.
    Wang Wei, Zang Zhaofang, Lin Shaoxiong, Xia Yunting, Fu Yanfen. Analysis on Current Status and Family Clustering of Hookworm Infestation in a Town of Hainan Province[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(2): 139-142.
    Citation: Wang Wei, Zang Zhaofang, Lin Shaoxiong, Xia Yunting, Fu Yanfen. Analysis on Current Status and Family Clustering of Hookworm Infestation in a Town of Hainan Province[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(2): 139-142.


    Analysis on Current Status and Family Clustering of Hookworm Infestation in a Town of Hainan Province

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解海南省新竹镇农村村民钩虫感染情况, 研究分析该地区钩虫感染的家庭聚集性。
      方法 采用改良Kato-Katz涂片法进行粪检; 对10岁及以上村民进行现场调查, 采用二项分布拟合原理对钩虫感染进行家庭聚集性分析。
      结果 共调查了425户1 011人, 钩虫感染率为31.16%, 感染率随文化程度的增长而降低, 随年龄的增长而升高, 但20~30岁女性组的感染率最高, 其分布存在家庭聚集性(χ2 =17.67, P < 0.01)。
      结论 海南省新竹镇钩虫感染率处于较高水平, 并且存在家庭聚集性, 今后应加强以家庭为主体的健康教育, 有效降低钩虫感染率。


      Objectives To understand the current status of hookworm infestation in Xinzhu Town of Hainan and to analyze its family clustering.
      Methods A modified Kato-Katz thick smear technique was used to examine hookworm eggs. Villagers elder than 10 years old were investigated by questionnaire. The family clustering was analyzed by binomial distribution fitting theory.
      Results A total of 425 households and corresponding 1 011 residents were investigated, hookworm eggs were found in 315 of 1 011 residents, and the infestation rate was 31.16%, which was increased with lower education level and the increase of age, and the highest infestation rate was in the female 20~30 age group. There was an obviously family clustering of infestation.
      Conclusions The hookworm infestation rate in Xinzhu Town of Hainan was high, and with a feature of family clustering. For reducing the hookworm infestation rate effectively, strengthening a family-oriented health education is necessary.


