钟桂红, 丘懿洋, 丘国伟, 林立新. 260份新装修后居所室内空气质量分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(6): 586-589.
    引用本文: 钟桂红, 丘懿洋, 丘国伟, 林立新. 260份新装修后居所室内空气质量分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(6): 586-589.
    Zhong Guihong, Qiu Yiyang, Qiu Guowei, Lin Lixin. Quality of 260 Indoor Air Samples After Housing Renovation[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(6): 586-589.
    Citation: Zhong Guihong, Qiu Yiyang, Qiu Guowei, Lin Lixin. Quality of 260 Indoor Air Samples After Housing Renovation[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(6): 586-589.


    Quality of 260 Indoor Air Samples After Housing Renovation

    • 摘要:
      目的  了解梅州市梅江区新装修室内空气污染的现状, 为室内空气污染防治提供科学依据。
      方法  对梅江区2011-2013年260份新装修后营业前的公共 (办公) 场所及入住前的家庭居室进行甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯污染情况调查。
      结果  共采集85户260份空气样品, 户数超标率为36.47%(31/85), 份数超标率25.77%(67/260);检测项目中甲醛超标率最高, 为24.62%(65/260), 甲醛超标样品中56.92%(37/65) 范围集中在0.11~0.21 mg/m3; 室内环境中不同类型场所样品超标率差异有统计学意义 (χ2=10.9, P < 0.01), 家庭住房超标率最高, 为46.15%(18/39);公共场所不同类型场所样品超标率差异有统计学意义 (χ2=15.13, P < 0.01), 美容美发店超标率最高, 为42.86%(6/14)。
      结论  市民对新装修室内空气污染重视不够, 建议装修后至少放置3-6个月再营业或入住; 应多通风换气, 尤其是在夏、秋季, 保证室内空气的质量。


      Objectives  To investigate the pollution of indoor air after housing renovation in Meijiang district of Meizhou City, and to provide evidences for the control of indoor air quality.
      Methods  Investigating and analyzing the concentration of formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene in the indoor air of 260 rooms within 85 houses after housing renovation in 2011-2013.
      Results  The over standard rate was 36.47%(31/85) for all houses and was 25.77%(67/260) for all rooms. The over standard rate for formaldehyde was the highest in all tested items, which was 24.62%(65/260) for rooms, and the concentration of formaldehyde in 56.92%(37/65) of over standard rooms was in the range of 0.11~0.21 mg/m3.The over standard rate was 50.00%(31/62) in summer; 46.15%(18/39) for family house in all houses and 42.86%(6/14) for beauty parlor in all public places.
      Conclusions  The residents in Meijiang district paid less attention to the quality of indoor air after housing renovation. It is suggested that not using newly renovated rooms until at least 3-6 months after housing renovation. More ventilation should be had for newly renovated rooms, especially in the summer and autumn, to ensure the good quality of indoor air.


