饶裕莲, 王华林. 湾里区某中学艾滋病健康教育效果分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(1): 45-48.
    引用本文: 饶裕莲, 王华林. 湾里区某中学艾滋病健康教育效果分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(1): 45-48.
    Rao Yulian, Wang Hualin. Effect of Health Education on HIV/AIDS for Students in a Middle School in Wanli District[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(1): 45-48.
    Citation: Rao Yulian, Wang Hualin. Effect of Health Education on HIV/AIDS for Students in a Middle School in Wanli District[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(1): 45-48.


    Effect of Health Education on HIV/AIDS for Students in a Middle School in Wanli District

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解湾里区某中学艾滋病基本知识知晓情况, 评价艾滋病健康教育的效果。
      方法 采取整群抽样的方法, 抽取某中学全体初三在校学生(城市籍学生176人, 农村籍学生256人), 进行健康教育前后艾滋病知识调查。
      结果 艾滋病基本知识总知晓率由健康教育前70.34%提高到教育后93.19%(χ2=610.405, P < 0.001);健康教育前城市籍学生(73.37%)高于农村籍学生(68.26%, χ2=10.42, P=0.001);健康教育后城市籍学生(94.76%)仍高于农村籍学生(92.10%, χ2=9.74, P=0.002);中学生艾滋病知识的信息来源比较广泛, 健康教育前排在前3位依次为电视(87.58%)、宣传栏广告栏(62.07%)、社区组织的宣传活动(61.38%); 健康教育后排在前3位依次为学校教育(97.25%)、医生(95.42%)、电视(87.41%)。
      结论 对中学生开设艾滋病健康教育课效果明显, 应该引起重视, 加以推广。


      Objectives To understand the knowledge of students on AIDs in a middle school in Wanli district and to evaluate the effect of health education.
      Methods The knowledge on AIDs of 432 students in the grade three of a middle school sampled by cluster sampling was investigated before and after health education.
      Results The awareness of AIDs knowledge in middle school students before and after the health education was increased from 70.34% to 93.19% (χ2=610.405, P < 0.001); which was increased from 68.26% to 92.10% in rural students(χ2=10.42, P=0.001) and from 73.37% to 94.76% in urban students (χ2=9.74, P=0.002). The first three sources of information on AIDs in middle school students before the health education were from TV(87.58%), billboard and advertising column (62.07%), and community organizing campaigns(61.38%); those after the health education were from school education (97.25%), doctors (95.24%) and TV(87.41%).
      Conclusions The effect of opening AIDs health education lessons among middle school students was obvious. More attention should be paid to the health education on AIDs in middle school students, and the experiences should be extended to more schools.


