文献英, 张代友, 吴晓红, 黄婷婷, 李晓涛, 唐果. 绵阳市地震重灾区生活饮用水检测结果分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(1): 28-30.
    引用本文: 文献英, 张代友, 吴晓红, 黄婷婷, 李晓涛, 唐果. 绵阳市地震重灾区生活饮用水检测结果分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(1): 28-30.
    Wen Xianying, Zhang Daiyou, Wu Xiaohong, Huang Tingting, Li Xiaotao, Tang Guo. The Quality of Drinking Water in Mianyang Quake - hit Areas[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(1): 28-30.
    Citation: Wen Xianying, Zhang Daiyou, Wu Xiaohong, Huang Tingting, Li Xiaotao, Tang Guo. The Quality of Drinking Water in Mianyang Quake - hit Areas[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(1): 28-30.


    The Quality of Drinking Water in Mianyang Quake - hit Areas

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解绵阳市地震重灾区饮用水水质卫生动态变化状况,为保障重灾区饮用水卫生安全工作提供决策依据。
      方法 按《生活饮用水标准检验方法》 (GB/T 5750-2006),2009年每月对绵阳市4个重灾区集中式供水和临时供水单位的出厂水和末梢水进行连续检验分析。
      结果 共检测水样1 661份,合格1 180份,合格率71.04%;四个地震重灾区江油市、安县、平武县、北川县的生活饮水合格率分别为90.83%、77.26%、69.23%和15.42%。不合格指标中,大肠菌群超标率最高。
      结论 我市地震重灾区的水质合格率较低,应采取综合措施,加强对地震灾区饮用水卫生监督管理和定期水质消毒。


      Objectives To understand the sanitation status of drinking water in Mianyang quake-hit areas and to provide decision-making basis for drinking water safety.
      Methods The drinking water of centralized and temporary water supply in the four quake-hit areas was monitored continuously by the standard detection methods every month in 2009.
      Results A total of 1 180 in 1 661 water samples were qualified. The total qualified rate of water samples was 71.04%. The qualified rate of water samples from Jiangyou, Anxian, Pingwu and Beichuan was 90.83%, 77.26%, 69.23% and 15.42% respectively. The major problem of water quality was the total number of coliform bacteria.
      Conclusions The qualified rate of water in the four quake-hit areas was low, and comprehensive measures should be taken to inspect the management of drinking water in rural areas and the water should be sterilized regularity.


