罗赟, 张代友, 吴晓红, 何玲玲. 绵阳市2012年农村环境卫生现状调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(6): 524-527.
    引用本文: 罗赟, 张代友, 吴晓红, 何玲玲. 绵阳市2012年农村环境卫生现状调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(6): 524-527.
    Luo Yun, Zhang Daiyou, Wu Xiaohong, He Lingling. Environmental Hygiene in Rural Areas of Mianyang in 2012[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(6): 524-527.
    Citation: Luo Yun, Zhang Daiyou, Wu Xiaohong, He Lingling. Environmental Hygiene in Rural Areas of Mianyang in 2012[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(6): 524-527.


    Environmental Hygiene in Rural Areas of Mianyang in 2012

    • 摘要:
      目的 调查分析2012年绵阳市农村环境卫生现状, 为环境卫生治理提供科学依据。
      方法 采用抽样调查的方法选取绵阳市2个县的40个行政村和200户家庭作为研究对象进行调查。
      结果 居民供水方式以分散式供水为主, 家庭户自来水普及率为34.5%;24.8%的村有专职保洁员; 卫生厕所占总户厕的75.5%;生活垃圾统一收集占17.5%;生活污水排放方式以明沟为主, 主要排入河流。粪便处理以排入下水道为主。土壤中铅含量测定范围为4.99~16.8 mg/kg; 镉含量测定范围为0.05~3.27 mg/kg; pH值测定范围5.50~8.68;蛔虫卵检出率100%, 活卵检出率95.0%。
      结论 绵阳市农村自来水普及率不高, 垃圾、污水和粪便无害化处理措施有待加强, 土壤存在寄生虫污染。


      Objectives To analyze the status of environmental hygiene in rural areas of Mianyang in 2012, and to provide scientific basis for the management of environment.
      Methods Two hundred households from 40 villages in each of 2 counties were selected as subjects by random.
      Results Non-centralized water supply was the main style of drinking water supply in the investigated areas. The popularity of using tap water was 34.5%. Only 24.8% of villages had full-time cleaners. The household owned sanitary latrines accounted for 75.5%. Only 17.5% of wastes were collected by unified management.Most of sewages were discharged to ditches, which were finally excluded into river.Feces were mainly drained into sewer. The contents of lead and cadmium in soil were in the range of 4.99~16.8mg/kg and 0.05~3.27mg/kg respectively. The pH value of water was in the range of 5.50~8.68.The positive rate for ascaris egg in soil was 100% and the rate of live ascaris egg was 95.0%.
      Conclusions The coverage of tap water supply was low.Control measures for harmless disposal of garbage, waste water and feces should be strengthened.The soil was plluted by ascaris egg.


