王珮, 冯国柱, 褚苏春, 沈逸. 一起管道分质直饮水供水不合格原因调查及整改[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(1): 50-53.
    引用本文: 王珮, 冯国柱, 褚苏春, 沈逸. 一起管道分质直饮水供水不合格原因调查及整改[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(1): 50-53.
    Wang Pei, Feng Guozhu, Chu Suchun, Shen Yi. Investigation on Cause of an Unqualified Dedicated Drinking Water System and its Correction Measures[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(1): 50-53.
    Citation: Wang Pei, Feng Guozhu, Chu Suchun, Shen Yi. Investigation on Cause of an Unqualified Dedicated Drinking Water System and its Correction Measures[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(1): 50-53.


    Investigation on Cause of an Unqualified Dedicated Drinking Water System and its Correction Measures

    • 摘要:
      目的  对一起管道分质直饮水供水不合格的原因进行调查, 并对其进行整改, 最终实现合格供水。
      方法  通过分析既往数据, 确定浊度、色度、化学耗氧量(CODMn)、细菌总数为监测指标。现场调查净水工艺及日常维护情况。
      结果  找到引起供水不合格的直接和可疑原因, 进行整改, 最终使直饮水出水及用户端水质均符合《生活饮用水管道分质直饮水卫生规范》(DB 32/761-2005) 的要求。
      结论  经过整改后, 市政供水经过砂滤、炭滤及紫外消毒后可达到《生活饮用水管道分质直饮水卫生规范》(DB 32/761-2005) 中对管道分质直饮水的要求, 但是要长期保证合格供水, 还需按照要求做好日常维护, 同时卫生行政部门要加强卫生监管。


      Objectives  To investigate the basic cause of an unacceptable drinking-water incident happened in a dedicated drinking water system and make corrections to realize qualified water supply.
      Methods  Through analyzing all surveillance data, the indicators on turbidity, chrominance, chemical oxygen demand (CODMn) and total bacterial count were selected as necessary ones for investigation and correction. Conducting a field investigation on deep purification steps and daily maintenances.
      Result  The direct and doubtful steps which causing drinking water unacceptable were found. The quality of end water met the requirements of "sanitary standards for dedicated drinking water"(DB 32/761-2005) after treatment with sand leach, carbon filter and ultraviolet disinfection.
      Conclusions  Municipal water supply can meet the requirements of "sanitary standards for dedicated drinking water" (DB 32/761-2005) after corrections being made. In order to offer qualified dedicated drinking water all the time, daily maintenance must be done according to the requirements and further supervision must be conducted by relevant health departments.


