崔宝荣, 周慧霞, 常宪平, 秦娟, 潘颖, 邓惠玲, 李洁, 赵建忠. 农村地区流动人口与当地村民饮水状况比较研究[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(1): 8-11.
    引用本文: 崔宝荣, 周慧霞, 常宪平, 秦娟, 潘颖, 邓惠玲, 李洁, 赵建忠. 农村地区流动人口与当地村民饮水状况比较研究[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(1): 8-11.
    Cui Baorong, Zhou Huixia, Chang Xianping, Qin Juan, Pan Ying, Deng Huiling, Li Jie, Zhao Jianzhong. Difference on the Hygienic Status of Drinking Water between Floating Population and Local Residents in Rural Fengtai District[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(1): 8-11.
    Citation: Cui Baorong, Zhou Huixia, Chang Xianping, Qin Juan, Pan Ying, Deng Huiling, Li Jie, Zhao Jianzhong. Difference on the Hygienic Status of Drinking Water between Floating Population and Local Residents in Rural Fengtai District[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(1): 8-11.


    Difference on the Hygienic Status of Drinking Water between Floating Population and Local Residents in Rural Fengtai District

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解辖区农村地区流动人口与当地村民饮水状况差别, 为完善公共卫生服务提供基础资料。
      方法 调查辖区68个行政村的供水及人口基本信息, 按三阶段随机抽样方法抽取外来流动人口300户, 每户1人, 调查其饮水状况, 选择当地村民按照1:1进行匹配对照。检测被调查户末梢水的18项水质卫生学指标, 依据《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006) 评价。
      结果 共回收有效问卷596人(流动人口289人、当地村民307人), 流动人口饮用自备井水人数比例为91.0%, 显著高于当地村民的比例82.7%(χ2=8.85, P=0.00), 饮用当地水厂销售的桶装水人数比例为36.0%, 显著低于当地村民的63.5%(χ2=23.25, P=0.00), 桶装水日摄入量占每日饮水摄入总量比例分别为流动人口78.1%、当地村民84.0%。自备井末梢水水质合格率为11.6%, 桶装水水质合格率85.0%。36.9%被调查者不满意自备井水的高浊度和高硬度。
      结论 部分地区流动人口供水与当地村民供水不均等, 流动人口饮水安全需改善。


      Objectives To grasp the difference of drinking water status between floating population and local residents in rural Fengtai District, Beijing, and to provide basic information for improving the equal access to public health service.
      Methods The basic information on the rural water supply and the demographic situation was surveyed in 68 administrative villages.The status of drinking water was investigated in 300 floating population households and 300 local villager households selected by using a three-stage sampling method, and one person from each household was inquired. Eighteen water indexes of well water and barreled water produced by local water factories were detected, and the results were assessed according to the "Standards for Drinking Water Quality" (GB 5749-2006).
      Results The total responders were 596, including 289 floating population and 307 local villagers. There were 91.0% of floating population and 82.7% of local villagers consuming well water, and 36.5% of floating population and 63.5% of local villagers consuming barreled drinking water.The percent of barreled water consumption accounted for the total water consumption was 78.1% in floating population and 84.0% in local villagers. The general qualified rate of well water was 11.6% and that of barreled water was 85.0%. A total of 36.9% of responders were unsatisfied with the quality of their well water because of high in turbidity and total hardness.
      Conclusions The water supply was shared unequally between floating population and local residents because of the difference on prices in some areas, and the residential situation of floating population was poor. The safety of drinking water and residential situation of floating population should be improved.


