尹浦, 黄少平, 隗金华, 董德全, 史文凤, 何莹. 房山区洪涝灾害发生后村级集中式供水水质检测结果分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(4): 356-358.
    引用本文: 尹浦, 黄少平, 隗金华, 董德全, 史文凤, 何莹. 房山区洪涝灾害发生后村级集中式供水水质检测结果分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(4): 356-358.
    Yin Pu, Huang Shaoping, Wei Jinhua, Dong Dequan, Shi Wenfeng, He Ying. Analysis on Water Quality of Rural Centralized Water Supplies after a Flood Disaster in Fangshan District[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(4): 356-358.
    Citation: Yin Pu, Huang Shaoping, Wei Jinhua, Dong Dequan, Shi Wenfeng, He Ying. Analysis on Water Quality of Rural Centralized Water Supplies after a Flood Disaster in Fangshan District[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(4): 356-358.


    Analysis on Water Quality of Rural Centralized Water Supplies after a Flood Disaster in Fangshan District

    • 摘要:
      目的 掌握房山区"7·21"洪涝灾害发生后村级集中式供水厂的卫生安全情况, 及时对饮用水的健康危害采取应对措施, 保障人民群众的饮水卫生安全。
      方法 对灾区的村级集中供水厂调查、采样, 分别对灾后一周和采取应急处理后的水质进行检测。
      结果 灾后抽样检测水样152份, 合格率19.08%, 其中水质未消毒的124份, 合格率10.48%, 水质消毒的28份, 合格率57.14%, 差异具有统计学意义(χ2=32.210, P < 0.01);应急消毒处理后检测水样188份, 合格率53.72%。
      结论 洪涝灾害发生后灾区的村级集中供水厂都不同程度受到了污染, 部分村级集中式供水厂工程建设和管理不善, 水质监测合格率低, 主要是微生物指标不合格, 洪涝灾害发生后必须对村级供水厂进行应急消毒处理, 完善村级集中式水厂的建设和管理, 规范长期有效的管理机制, 保障农村人民群众的饮水卫生安全。


      Objectives To master the hygienic status of centralized water supplies in the "7·21" flood disaster in Fangshan District to take measures timely to guarantee the safety of drinking water and people's health.
      Methods Centralized water supplies in villages were surveyed one week after the disaster, and water samples from the water supplies and taken after the emergency treatment were detected.
      Results The pass rate of 152 water samples from water supplies was 19.08%, the pass rate of 124 unsterilized water samples was 10.48%, while the pass rate of 28 disinfected water samples was 57.14% (χ2=32.210, P < 0.01). The pass rate of 188 water samples taken after emergency measure was 53.72%.
      Conclusions The village water supplies were contaminated in various degree after the disaster; the construction and management of partial village centralized water supplies were mismanaged and the qualification rate was low, mainly on microbial indicators and residue index of disinfectants. Emergent disinfection of water supplies must be carried out after flood disasters, the construction and management of waterworks must be perfected, the management of a long-term effective mechanism should be regulated to guarantee the safety of drinking water and the health of people.


