叶研, 王冰, 赵金辉, 陈华洁, 李扬, 盛欣, 许志强, 曾迎, 魏建荣. 2013年某市农村生活饮用水卫生监测结果分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(6): 590-596.
    引用本文: 叶研, 王冰, 赵金辉, 陈华洁, 李扬, 盛欣, 许志强, 曾迎, 魏建荣. 2013年某市农村生活饮用水卫生监测结果分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(6): 590-596.
    Ye Yan, Wang Bing, Zhao Jinhui, Chen Huajie, Li Yang, Sheng Xin, Xu Zhiqiang, Zeng Ying, Wei Jianrong. Quality of Rural Drinking Water in a City in 2013[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(6): 590-596.
    Citation: Ye Yan, Wang Bing, Zhao Jinhui, Chen Huajie, Li Yang, Sheng Xin, Xu Zhiqiang, Zeng Ying, Wei Jianrong. Quality of Rural Drinking Water in a City in 2013[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(6): 590-596.


    Quality of Rural Drinking Water in a City in 2013

    • 摘要:
      目的  了解某市 (B市) 农村集中式供水水质卫生状况, 发现主要污染指标, 为农村改水提供数据支持。
      方法  对全市268个农村集中式供水监测点水处理工艺、水源类型、消毒设备使用情况进行调查, 并于枯水期和丰水期对出厂水和末梢水进行实验室检测。
      结果  B市农村集中式供水出厂水和末梢水之间合格率差异无统计学意义, χ2=0.12, P=0.729。丰水期合格率低于枯水期, 差异有统计学意义, χ2=11.527, P < 0.01。
      结论  YQ县总大肠菌群、FT区硝酸盐氮、DX区总硬度合格率低于其他区县; CY区、CP区、FS区总大肠菌群合格率丰水期低于枯水期, HR区硝酸盐氮合格率丰水期低于枯水期, FT区总硬度合格率枯水期低于丰水期。B市农村生活饮用水主要污染指标为总硬度、总大肠菌群、硝酸盐氮, 存在地区聚集性和季节性分布特点。


      Objectives  To understand the quality of drinking water derived from rural centralized water supplies in City B, to look for the main pollution indicators in order to provide data for supporting rural centralized water supplies in the city.
      Methods  Investigating the treatment process, the type of water sources, the operation of disinfection equipment in centralized water supplies in 268 monitoring points, and testing the quality of finished water from water factories and tap water in dry seasons and wet seasons.
      Results  The difference of water quality between finished water and tap water was not significant (χ2=0.12, P=0.729), but the quality of water in dry season was significantly better than that in wet season (χ2=11.527, P < 0.01). The qualified rate of total coliform counts in YQ district, nitrate nitrogen in FT district, and total hardness in DX district was lower than other districts. The qualified rate of total coliform counts in wet season was lower than that in dry season in CY district, CP district and FS district. The qualified rate of nitrate nitrogen in HR district in wet season was lower than that in dry season. The qualified rate of total hardness in FT district in dry season was lower than that in wet season.
      Conclusions  The main pollution indicators for the quality of rural drinking water in B City were total hardness, total coliform counts and nitrate nitrogen, and the variation of water quality was in a feature of regional aggregation and seasonal distribution.


