鲁波, 陈钰, 张伟, 史黎薇. 公共场所水环境军团菌污染及其从业人员军团菌感染状况分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(4): 335-338.
    引用本文: 鲁波, 陈钰, 张伟, 史黎薇. 公共场所水环境军团菌污染及其从业人员军团菌感染状况分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(4): 335-338.
    Lu Bo, Chen Yu, Zhang Wei, Shi Liwei. Legionella Contamination in the Water Environment of Public Places and the Legionella Infection of Legionella in Practitioners[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(4): 335-338.
    Citation: Lu Bo, Chen Yu, Zhang Wei, Shi Liwei. Legionella Contamination in the Water Environment of Public Places and the Legionella Infection of Legionella in Practitioners[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(4): 335-338.


    Legionella Contamination in the Water Environment of Public Places and the Legionella Infection of Legionella in Practitioners

    • 摘要:
      目的 分析公共场所水环境中军团菌污染及其从业人员军团菌感染状况
      方法 以公共场所为研究对象, 采集集中空调冷却塔水、淋浴水和自来水进行军团菌分离培养, 同时对从业人员进行军团菌血清抗体和尿抗原检测。
      结果 公共场所中空调冷却塔水、淋浴水和自来水军团菌阳性率分别为75%(111/148)、27%(27/100) 和44%(22/50), 以嗜肺军团菌污染为主, 其中LP1为优势菌性, 其他LP2-8、LP10、L.micdadei、L.bozemanii均有检出。公共场所从业人员军团菌血清抗体阳性率66.0%(369/559), 抗LP1-14有检出, 以抗LP12(45.9%)、抗LP4(43.4%)为优势血清型, 抗LP1阳性率8.8%。公共场所从业人员LP1尿抗原阳性率0.0%(0/202)。
      结论 公共场所冷却塔水、淋浴水和自来水军团菌尤其是嗜肺军团菌污染严重, 从业人员普遍存在军团菌既往感染, 公共场所存在发生社区获得性军团菌病暴发的安全隐患。


      Objectives To investigate the status of legionella contamination in the water environment of public places and the infection of legionella in practitioners.
      Methods Water samples collected from the cooling water for central air conditioning system, the water for taking shower and tap water in public places were detected by culture for legionella.Serum anti-legionella pneumophila antibodies and legionella urinary antigen from practitioners in public places were detected.
      Results The positive rates for legionella in cooling tower water, shower water and tap water were 75% (111/148), 27% (27/100) and 44% (22/50), respectively. Legionella pneumophila was detected in the vast majority of water samples, including LP1, LP2-8, LP10, L. micdadei and L. bozemanii. The total positive rate for legionella serum antibody was 66.0% (369/559). All anti LP1-LP14 antibodies have been detected; anti-LP12(45.9%) and anti-LP4(43.4%) were the dominant serotypes. The positive rate for antibody anti-LP1 was 8.8%. Legionella urinary antigen has not been detected (0/202).
      Conclusions Legionella contamination in water environment (cooling tower water, shower water and tap water) in public places was serious. LP was the dominant bacterial type. The phenomenon that the practitioners in public places had a history of legionella infection was widespread. There might have a hidden danger of occurring community-acquired LD in public places.


