张辉, 张世宏, 尹祥, 谭燕妮, 郑玲. "4·20"地震后芦阳镇生活饮用水微生物污染状况[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(1): 29-31.
    引用本文: 张辉, 张世宏, 尹祥, 谭燕妮, 郑玲. "4·20"地震后芦阳镇生活饮用水微生物污染状况[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(1): 29-31.
    Zhang Hui, Zhang Shihong, Yin Xiang, Tan Yanni, Zheng Ling. Microbial Contamination of Drinking Water in Luyang Town after "4·20" Earthquake[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(1): 29-31.
    Citation: Zhang Hui, Zhang Shihong, Yin Xiang, Tan Yanni, Zheng Ling. Microbial Contamination of Drinking Water in Luyang Town after "4·20" Earthquake[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(1): 29-31.


    Microbial Contamination of Drinking Water in Luyang Town after "4·20" Earthquake

    • 摘要:
      目的 调查"4·20"地震后芦阳镇生活饮用水微生物污染状况, 保障城区饮用水安全。
      方法 调查县自来水厂基本情况和生产情况, 持续监测出厂水和末梢水水质, 分析调查和监测结果。
      结果 出厂水和末梢水的总大肠菌群合格率分别为76.00%、68.21%(χ2=0.62, P>0.05);浑浊度合格率分别为40.00%、28.92%(χ2=1.47, P>0.05)。
      结论 水厂制水效果不好, 总大肠菌群超标严重, 应提高出厂水水质。


      Objectives  To investigate the microbial contamination of drinking water in Luyang town after "4·20" earthquake, to ensure the safe of drinking water in urban area.
      Methods Investigating the basic situation and production process of the county waterworks, monitoring continuously the quality of the finished water from the plant and the tap water from households, and analyzing the survey and monitoring results.
      Results The total qualified rate for coliform group in finished water and tap water was 76.00% and 68.21%, respectively (χ2=0.62, P>0.05); the total qualified rate for turbidity was 40.00% and 28.92%, respectively (χ2=1.47, P>0.05).
      Conclusions The process of water in waterworks was ineffective, and the total coliform group cannot reach the standard requirement. The quality of water produced in the waterworks should be improved.


