刘利亚, 王娅芳, 周昌, 张卫国. 居室装修后甲醛的污染水平与控制措施分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(6): 271-273.
    引用本文: 刘利亚, 王娅芳, 周昌, 张卫国. 居室装修后甲醛的污染水平与控制措施分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(6): 271-273.
    Liu Liya, Wang Yafang, Zhou Chang, Zhang Weiguo. Pollution Levels and Control Measures for Formaldehyde in Indoor Air after Decoration[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(6): 271-273.
    Citation: Liu Liya, Wang Yafang, Zhou Chang, Zhang Weiguo. Pollution Levels and Control Measures for Formaldehyde in Indoor Air after Decoration[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(6): 271-273.


    Pollution Levels and Control Measures for Formaldehyde in Indoor Air after Decoration

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解居室装修后空气中甲醛的污染水平, 分析可能存在的污染原因并提出控制措施。
      方法 选择贵阳市两城区新装修居室, 按装修程度的不同分为低、中、高3个装修水平组, 每组各8户, 比较装修前对板材进行封闭底漆处理(对照组)与同期没有采取任何处理的板材(试验组)甲醛释放浓度。甲醛的测定按照《居住区大气中甲醛卫生检验标准方法》(GB/T 16129-1995) 分光光度法进行。
      结果 低装修水平组甲醛浓度范围为0.049 ~ 0.17 mg/m3, 中位数0.095 mg/m3, 对照组为0.019 ~ 0.073 mg/m3, 中位数0.051mg/m3 (P<0.05);中装修水平组浓度范围0.072 ~ 0.46 mg/m3, 中位数0.24 mg/m3, 对照组为0.052 ~ 0.16 mg/m2, 中位数0.078 mg/m2 (P<0.05);高装修水平组浓度范围0.47 ~ 1.71 mg/m3, 中位数0.87 mg/m3, 对照组为0.18 ~ 0.44 mg/m2, 中位数0.26 mg/m2 (P<0.05)。
      结论 居室装修甲醛污染主要与人造板材装填量有关, 在居室装修中必须控制人造板材的数量、质量以及装修前的处理, 居室空气中甲醛污染才能控制在国家标准值以下。


      Objectives To know the source of formaldehyde in indoor air after decoration and to analyze the possible causes and preventive measures.
      Methods Twenty-four newly decorated households from two districts of Guiyang were divided into low, medium and high levels according to the grade of decoration with eight houses in each group.The synthetic wood-based boards pretreated with primer coat before decoration were selected as controls.The levels of formaldehyde in indoor air were determined by spectrophotometer in accordance with the "National Standard Method for Hygienic Examination of Formaldehyde in Air of Residential Areas"(GB/T16129-1995).
      Results The range of formaldehyde in the low level decoration group was 0.049 ~ 0.17 mg/m3 with a median of 0.095 mg/m3, its control group was 0.019 ~ 0.073 mg/m3 with a median of 0.051 mg/m3 (P < 0.05); the range of formaldehyde in the medium level decoration group was 0.072 ~ 0.46 mg/m3 with a median of 0.24 mg/m3, its control group was 0.052 ~ 0.16 mg/m2 with a median of 0.078 mg/m2 (P < 0.05); the range of formaldehyde in the high level decoration group was 0.47 ~ 1.71 mg/m3 with a median of 0.87 mg/m3, its control group was 0.18 ~ 0.44 mg/m2 with a median of 0.26 mg/m2 (P < 0.05).
      Conclusions The level of formaldehyde in the indoor air after decoration is mainly related to the amount of synthetic wood-based boards.In order to control the level of formaldehyde below the national standard limits, something must be done to control the amount and quality of plank stuff and to conduct a pretreatment of decoration material as well.


