杨海龙, 梁伟江, 吴艳, 蓝晓惠, 韦凤整, 张仲将, 张树球, 何胜. 中药海尔福对铝中毒小鼠模型大脑的乙酰胆碱转移酶活性的影响[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(6): 509-513.
    引用本文: 杨海龙, 梁伟江, 吴艳, 蓝晓惠, 韦凤整, 张仲将, 张树球, 何胜. 中药海尔福对铝中毒小鼠模型大脑的乙酰胆碱转移酶活性的影响[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(6): 509-513.
    Yang Hailong, Liang Weijiang, Wu Yan, Lan Xiaohui, Wei Fengzheng, Zhang Zhongjiang, Zhang Shuqiu, He Sheng. Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine Extract on Choline Acetyltransferase Activity in Mice Brain Induced by Aluminum Poisoning[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(6): 509-513.
    Citation: Yang Hailong, Liang Weijiang, Wu Yan, Lan Xiaohui, Wei Fengzheng, Zhang Zhongjiang, Zhang Shuqiu, He Sheng. Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine Extract on Choline Acetyltransferase Activity in Mice Brain Induced by Aluminum Poisoning[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(6): 509-513.


    Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine Extract on Choline Acetyltransferase Activity in Mice Brain Induced by Aluminum Poisoning

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究中药海尔福复方提取液对铝中毒小鼠模型大脑形态学变化及乙酰胆碱转移酶活性的影响。
      方法 用氯化铝拌饲料喂养小鼠3个月, 建立拟老年痴呆症(阿尔茨海默病)模型, 造模2个月后, 分成3组:实验1组、实验2组、模型组, 另设第4组为正常组, 用2种不同剂型的海尔福复方提取液中药制剂对实验1组、实验2组灌胃1个月治疗。模型组和正常组作为对照组, 用等体积蒸馏水代替。实验结束, 取小鼠血清, 处死小鼠后取大脑做成10%的脑匀浆。测定脑匀浆的乙酰胆碱转移酶(ChAT)、乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)活性、铝含量和血清胆固醇含量, 部分大脑送病理检查。
      结果 实验1组、实验2组、模型组和正常组依次为ChAT (U/g组织湿重)各组比较P<0.01, 差异有统计学意义; AchE各组比较(U/mg·prot), P<0.05, 差异无统计学意义; 血清胆固醇(mmol/L), 与模型组比较, P<0.01, 差异有统计学意义; 脑铝含量(μg/L), 与模型组比较, P<0.05, 差异有统计学意义。脑病理检查结果, 正常对照组:大脑皮质及海马区神经细胞、神经胶质细胞无变性、坏死, 组织结构及层次未见显著改变。模型组:大脑皮质及海马区神经细胞、神经胶质细胞弥漫性变性、坏死、核固缩及微小软化灶形成。实验1组、实验2组, 比模型组病变程度较轻。
      结论 铝中毒模型组脑乙酰胆碱转移酶活力明显低于正常组、铝含量明显高于正常组、大脑皮质及海马区神经细胞变性、坏死, 实验组明显改善。


      Objectives Effects of an extract of Chinese herbal medicine, including Honeysuckle, Poria, Licorice, Carambola fruit and others, on the activity of choline acetyltransferase and morphology changes of brain in mice induced by aluminum poisoning.
      Methods Twenty mice were divided into 4 groups, a normal control group, a model control group and 2 experiment groups. The model control group and two experiment groups were fed with a diet containing aluminum chloride for 3 months to establish a model of senile dementia (alzheimer disease, AD). The AD model was established after 2 months.The mice in experiment group 1 and group 2 were treated daily for a month by lavage with different concentration of a Chinese traditional medicine preparation. The model control group and normal control group were treated with equal volume of distilled water daily. The activity of choline acetyl transferase (ChAT), acetyl cholinesterase (AchE) and aluminum content in brain homogenate, the pathological change of brain and serum cholesterol were examined.
      Results The activity of ChAT in experiment group 1 and group 2 was higher than the model control group (P < 0.01);the activity of AchE was not different among groups (P < 0.05). Serum cholesterol and aluminum in brains were lower in the experiment groups than the model control group (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05, respectively).Diffuse degeneration, necrosis, nuclear pyknosis in neural cells and glial cells of cerebral cortex and hippocampus and micro-encephalomalacia in brains were less in experiment groups than the model control group.
      Conclusions The activity of acetylcholine transferase in the brain of aluminum poisoning model groups was obviously lower than the normal control group; the content of aluminum in the brain of three model groups was significantly higher than the normal control group. The degeneration and necrosis of nerve cells in cerebral cortex and hippocampus were improved significantly in two experiment groups.


