唐静, 陈华, 姚佳杏, 陈泽飞, 陈林月, 黄冬梅, 秦启忠. 大鼠孕期铅暴露对仔鼠空间记忆功能影响的研究[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(2): 110-114.
    引用本文: 唐静, 陈华, 姚佳杏, 陈泽飞, 陈林月, 黄冬梅, 秦启忠. 大鼠孕期铅暴露对仔鼠空间记忆功能影响的研究[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(2): 110-114.
    Tang Jing, Chen Hua, Yao Jiaxing, Chen Zefei, Chen Linyue, Huang Dongmei, Qin Qizhong. Effects of Lead Exposure During Pregnancy on Spatial Learning and Memory in Filial Rats[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(2): 110-114.
    Citation: Tang Jing, Chen Hua, Yao Jiaxing, Chen Zefei, Chen Linyue, Huang Dongmei, Qin Qizhong. Effects of Lead Exposure During Pregnancy on Spatial Learning and Memory in Filial Rats[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(2): 110-114.


    Effects of Lead Exposure During Pregnancy on Spatial Learning and Memory in Filial Rats

    • 摘要:
      目的 为探究大鼠孕期铅暴露对仔鼠空间记忆功能的影响。
      方法 40只SD大鼠受孕后随机分为4组, 每组10只, 3个染毒组自受孕第0 d起分别给予乙酸铅含量为125 mg/L(低浓度组)、250 mg/L(中浓度组)和500 mg/L(高浓度组)的饮水, 对照组则给予蒸馏水。仔鼠出生后母鼠均换为蒸馏水, 仔鼠21 d时与母鼠分笼饲养; 采用示波极谱仪测定0、21及60 d仔鼠血、海马、大脑皮层(0 d仔鼠直接取全脑)铅含量; 并对21 d及60 d仔鼠进行Morris水迷宫试验。
      结果 3个染毒组仔鼠的血铅、海马铅及大脑皮层铅含量在0、21、60 d均高于对照组(P < 0.05), 且染毒剂量愈高、仔鼠日龄愈小, 铅含量愈高; 21 d仔鼠水迷宫试验三染毒组的逃逸潜伏期均长于对照组(P < 0.05) 且高浓度组长于低浓度组。空间探索试验中通过平台的次数三染毒组亦少于对照组(P < 0.05), 且高浓度组少于低浓度组; 60 d水迷宫试验中仅高浓度组的逃逸潜伏期长于对照组且空间探索试验中通过平台的次数少于对照组(P < 0.05), 而中、低浓度组与对照组亦无差异(P > 0.05)。
      结论 大鼠孕期铅暴露可使子代鼠血铅、海马铅及大脑皮层铅含量增高, 并对仔鼠的学习记忆功能造成损伤, 这种损伤可能随着仔鼠日龄增加有部分代偿作用。


      Objectives To explore the effects of lead exposure during pregnancy on spatial learning and memory in filial rats.
      Methods Forty SD pregnant rats were randomly divided into four groups, lead acetate in distilled water were given after conception on the concentration of 125 mg/L(low dose group), 250 mg/L (middle dose group) and 500 mg/L(high dose group)for three exposure groups. The control group was treated with distilled water. All maternal rats received distilled water after delivery. Pups were separated from their mothers on 21 days of age. The lead content of blood, hippocampus and cerebral cortex (whole brain for 0 day-old) of pups was determined by oscilloscope polarograph on 0, 21 and 60 day-old; On the other hand, Morris water maze test was conducted on 21 and 60 day-old.
      Results The lead content of blood, hippocampus and cerebral cortex on 0, 21 and 60 day-old in 3 exposure groups were higher than that in the control group (P < 0.05); and the higher concentration of lead exposure, the younger age of rats, and the lead contents in these tissues were higher.In water maze test conducted on 21 days after birth, the escape latency of three lead exposure groups were longer than the control group, and the high dose group was longer than the low dose group (P < 0.05); as for the space exploration experiment, the number of times passing through the platform in the three lead exposure groups was also less than the control group, and the high dose group was less than the low dose group (P < 0.05). The test conducted on 60 days after birth showed that the escape latency was longer and the number of times passing through platform was less in the high dose group than the control group (P < 0.05), no differences was observed among the middle dose group, low dose group and the control group.
      Conclusions Prenatal exposure to lead might cause higher lead levels in hippocampus and cerebral cortex of filial rats, and damage their learning and memory function, which might be partially compensated with the increase of age.


