饶贵平, 邹贵森, 何万新, 黎元扶, 尹志芬, 黄开育, 何丹, 邹喆, 黎振坚. 广西省贺州市农村饮用水卫生安全状况分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(4): 339-341.
    引用本文: 饶贵平, 邹贵森, 何万新, 黎元扶, 尹志芬, 黄开育, 何丹, 邹喆, 黎振坚. 广西省贺州市农村饮用水卫生安全状况分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(4): 339-341.
    Rao Guiping, Zou Guisen, He Wanxin, Li Yuanfu, Yin Zhifen, Huang Kaiyu, He Dan, Zou Zhe, Li Zhenjian. Drinking Water Safety in Rural Areas of Hezhou City in Guangxi[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(4): 339-341.
    Citation: Rao Guiping, Zou Guisen, He Wanxin, Li Yuanfu, Yin Zhifen, Huang Kaiyu, He Dan, Zou Zhe, Li Zhenjian. Drinking Water Safety in Rural Areas of Hezhou City in Guangxi[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(4): 339-341.


    Drinking Water Safety in Rural Areas of Hezhou City in Guangxi

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解广西省贺州市农村饮用水的安全性, 发现和整改重点安全隐患, 确保饮水安全。
      方法 2007-2011年, 对贺州市各乡镇农村饮用水进行抽样检测并对检测结果进行统计分析。检测指标包括感官指标、化学指标和微生物指标等28项, 评价方法按照《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006) 对各项检测指标的结果进行评价。
      结果 全部指标平均合格率仅为26.5%, 最低为2008年, 仅为18.0%。细菌总数和总大肠菌群数的平均合格率分别为45.4%和47.4%。锰和硝酸盐的平均合格率相对较低, 均为95.6%。
      结论 广西省贺州市农村饮用水安全隐患主要是微生物指标超标, 锰的超标可能与当地较多锰矿有关, 要指导居民对饮用水进行有效消毒, 避免直接饮用生水。加强农村生活饮用水水源的保护与卫生管理, 防止水源受到污染, 保障人民群众饮用水的卫生安全。


      Objectives To investigate the drinking water safety in rural areas of Hezhou city, to find out and correct the major hidden dangers in order to make sure the safety of drinking water for both human and livestock.
      Methods Drinking water supply in rural areas of Hezhou city was inspected and samples collected in 2007-2011 were analyzed.Twenty eight indexes (including sensory indexes, chemical indexes and microorganisms) were tested and the results were evaluated according to the Standards for Drinking Water Quality (GB 5749-2006).
      Results The average qualified rate of all indexes was 26.5%, and the lowest was 18.0% in 2008. The total bacterial count and coliform were 45.4% and 47.4% respectively. The average qualified rates of manganese and nitrates were relatively low (both at 95.6%).
      Conclusions The major hidden dangers for drinking water in rural areas of Hezhou city are unqualified bacteriologic indexes and superstandard of manganese, which is associated with more manganese mine in this area. Therefore, it is necessary to instruct residents to sterilize water effectively before dinking and not to drink raw water directly, and to protect the water source from manganese mine pollution.


