范尉尉, 陈凤格, 郭占景, 赵伟, 白萍, 王军霞. 2011年石家庄市农村饮用水卫生调查与分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(4): 174-178.
    引用本文: 范尉尉, 陈凤格, 郭占景, 赵伟, 白萍, 王军霞. 2011年石家庄市农村饮用水卫生调查与分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(4): 174-178.
    Fan Weiwei, Chen Fengge, Guo Zhanjing, Zhao Wei, Bai Ping, Wang Junxia. Investigation and Analysis on the Quality of Rural Drinking Water supply in Shijiazhuang in 2011[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(4): 174-178.
    Citation: Fan Weiwei, Chen Fengge, Guo Zhanjing, Zhao Wei, Bai Ping, Wang Junxia. Investigation and Analysis on the Quality of Rural Drinking Water supply in Shijiazhuang in 2011[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(4): 174-178.


    Investigation and Analysis on the Quality of Rural Drinking Water supply in Shijiazhuang in 2011

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解农村饮水水质的卫生安全状况及其变化动态,为政府提供决策依据。
      方法 于2011年枯水期(3—4月)和丰水期(7—8月),对河北省石家庄市10县市258座农村饮水的水源类型、水处理方式、消毒情况等进行现场调查。采集集中式供水点250个(每点采取出厂水和末梢水各1份),分散式供水点8个(每点采取末梢水1份)共计508份饮用水样品。按照《生活饮用水标准检验方法》(GB/T 5750-2006) 对出厂水和末梢水及分散式供水进行检测。
      结果 共采集水样1 016份,合格644份,合格率为63.38%。集中式供水枯水期水样合格率70.60%(353/500),高于丰水期57.0%(285/500),出厂水水样合格率65.00%(325/500),高于末梢水62.5%(313/500),以地面水为水源的出厂水水样合格率24.1%(27/116),低于以地下水为水源的出厂水水样67.2%(614/904),差异均有统计学意义(χ2=25.65,P<0.01)。枯水期水样存在10项指标超标,丰水期水样7项指标超标,微生物学指标丰水期(22.8%~30.1%)较枯水期(6.5%~12.2%)超标较为突出。
      结论 石家庄市农村饮水的水处理工艺不完善,多项指标存在超标现象,微生物学指标超标较为严重,农村生活饮用水安全性应引起相关部门关注。


      Objectives To know the hygienic situation and change trend of rural drinking water supply and provide data for the government making decisions.
      Methods The survey on the type of water sources, water processing and disinfection in 258 villages of Shijiazhuang city was carried out in dry season(March to April)and wet season(July to August)in 2011. Water samples were collected from 250 central water supply spots(one finished water sample from the outlet and one peripheral water from the end-user of each water plant), and from 8 decentralized water supply spots. A total of 508 samples were tested according to the "Standard Examination Methods for Drinking Water"(GB/T 5750-2006) in this survey.
      Results The qualification rate of all water samples was 63.38%(644 in 1 016 water samples); the qualification rate of central water supply spots in dry season(70.60%, 353/500) was higher than that in rainy season(57.0%, 85/500). The qualification rate of finished water(65.00%, 325/500) was better than that of peripheral water(62.5%, 313/500). The qualification rate of water from surface water(24.10%, 27/116) was lower than that from ground water(67.20%, 614/904)(χ2 = 25.65, P < 0.01). Ten indexes in water samples from the dry season and 7 indexes in samples from the rainy season exceeded the standard limits; the unqualified rate of microbiological indexes in samples from the rainy season(22.80%~30.10%)was worse than that from the dry season(6.50%~12.20%).
      Conclusions The water treatment process of rural central water supply in Shijiazhuang was imperfect, and several water indexes exceeded the standard limits; and much more microbiological indexes exceeded the standard limits. Relevant departments should pay more attention to the safety of rural drinking water.


