王珮, 赵志萍. TMB余氯快速测试盒的实验研制[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(3): 310-312, 316.
    引用本文: 王珮, 赵志萍. TMB余氯快速测试盒的实验研制[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2014, 4(3): 310-312, 316.
    Wang Pei, Zhao Zhiping. Research on TMB Residual Chlorine Rapid Test Kit[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(3): 310-312, 316.
    Citation: Wang Pei, Zhao Zhiping. Research on TMB Residual Chlorine Rapid Test Kit[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2014, 4(3): 310-312, 316.


    Research on TMB Residual Chlorine Rapid Test Kit

    • 摘要:
      目的 研制TMB余氯快速测试盒, 满足现场测定生活饮用水的出厂水、末梢水、二次供水及公共场所游泳池水中余氯质量浓度的需要。
      方法 利用余氯与TMB在酸性溶液中生成黄色醌式化合物测定水中余氯含量。① 显色体系pH值的确定及总余氯读数时间的确定; ② 测试盒标准比色系列浓度的确定; ③ 比色用玻璃的选择。
      结果 ① 整个体系的pH值调节在1.52, 在此pH值条件下可以避免体系颜色发生变化。总余氯的读数时间设定在11 min; ② 测试盒标准比色系列浓度为0.05、0.1、0.2、0.3、0.5、0.7、0.8和1.0 mg/L; ③ 根据抗暴及透光性, 选择用高硼玻璃来制作标准系列管及样品比色管。
      结论 TMB余氯快速测试盒可满足上述水中余氯质量浓度测定的需要。


      Objectives To establish a method of TMB residual chlorine rapid test kit which can be used in spot determination on residual chlorine for swimming pool water and drinking water from water plants, uses' taps and secondary water supply after chlorination disinfection.
      Methods To determine residual chlorine in water by detecting quinone compounds generated through chlorine reacted with TMB in acidic solution.① Different experiments had been done to look for suitable pH of whole system and time of total residual chlorine examination. ② Different concentration of the standard comparison series could be determined. ③ Special glass could be chosen.
      Results ① The phenomenon that whole system could turn into green can be avoided when pH is 1.52 and 11 mins is the suitable time for total residual chlorine examination. ② Concentrations of standard color series for the test kit could be 0.05、0.1、0.2、0.3、0.5、0.7、0.8、1.0 mg/L. ③ Borosilicate glass had been chosen to make the standard series and comparison tubes in according to the requirements of anti-explosion and high light transmission.
      Conclusions TMB residual chlorine rapid test kit can meet the requirement for daily determination on residual chlorine.


