赵欣, 徐赐贤, 周密康, 张淼, 胡小键, 陈曦, 王红伟, 郑磊, 董少霞, 路凯. 嵊泗县居民海水淡化水知信行调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(3): 214-217.
    引用本文: 赵欣, 徐赐贤, 周密康, 张淼, 胡小键, 陈曦, 王红伟, 郑磊, 董少霞, 路凯. 嵊泗县居民海水淡化水知信行调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(3): 214-217.
    Zhao Xin, Xu Cixian, Zhou Mikang, Zhang Miao, Hu Xiaojian, Chen Xi, Wang Hongwei, Zheng Lei, Dong Shaoxia, Lu Kai. KAP Survey on Seawater Desalination among Residents in Shengsi County[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(3): 214-217.
    Citation: Zhao Xin, Xu Cixian, Zhou Mikang, Zhang Miao, Hu Xiaojian, Chen Xi, Wang Hongwei, Zheng Lei, Dong Shaoxia, Lu Kai. KAP Survey on Seawater Desalination among Residents in Shengsi County[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(3): 214-217.


    KAP Survey on Seawater Desalination among Residents in Shengsi County

    • 摘要:
      目的 调查嵊泗县居民对海水淡化水的态度、相关知识的知晓程度和用水行为, 了解海水淡化水用于市政供水可能存在的问题。
      方法 采用整群分层抽样方法, 对嵊泗县常住居民进行问卷调查。
      结果 发放调查问卷690份, 收回675份, 应答率97.8%。淡化水知晓率为48.47%。34.5%的居民选择放心使用淡化水, 跟随大多数人意见的比例为30.4%, 有34.7%的居民选择坚决不使用淡化水。完全不以自来水作为饮用水的占47.2%。对淡化水相关信息的获取渠道主要是与他人的交流(44.6%), 其次是网络等电子媒体(40.4%)。
      结论 调查人群对海水淡化水的水质安全性存在一定的疑虑, 对淡化水的接受程度不高。淡化水的相关知识了解不够全面可能是重要的影响因素。


      Objectives To describe the residents' attitude, knowledge and practice (KAP) on seawater desalination in Shengsi, and to understand the possible problems of using desalinated water as the municipal water supply.
      Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among residents selected by stratified cluster sampling.
      Results 690 questionnaires were sent out and 675 valid questionnaires were collected. The response rate was 97.8%. It showed that awareness rate about the knowledge of desalinated water is 48.47%. 34.5% of the residents select to use desalinated water, and 30.4% of the sample population chose to follow the opinions of the majority, while 34.7% of the population refused to use desalinated water. 47.2% of the population didn't use tap water as drinking water. Communication with others is the main channel to get information about desalinated water (44.6%), followed by the internet media(40.4%).
      Conclusions There are some doubts on the quality of desalinated water among Shengsi residents, and the degree of acceptance of desalinated water is not high. Lacking of comprehensive knowledge of desalinated water may be an important factor.


