黄露, 潘京海, 王洪源, 余晓辉, 崔禾, 魏祥, 赵丹宁, 闫银锁. 半封闭式大型综合客运枢纽中空气污染对人群健康的影响[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(4): 298-303, 308.
    引用本文: 黄露, 潘京海, 王洪源, 余晓辉, 崔禾, 魏祥, 赵丹宁, 闫银锁. 半封闭式大型综合客运枢纽中空气污染对人群健康的影响[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(4): 298-303, 308.
    Huang Lu, Pan Jinghai, Wang Hongyuan, Yu Xiaohui, Cui He, Wei Xiang, Zhao Danning, Yan Yinsuo. Health Effect of Air Pollution in Semi-enclosed Large-scale Integrated Transportation Hubs[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(4): 298-303, 308.
    Citation: Huang Lu, Pan Jinghai, Wang Hongyuan, Yu Xiaohui, Cui He, Wei Xiang, Zhao Danning, Yan Yinsuo. Health Effect of Air Pollution in Semi-enclosed Large-scale Integrated Transportation Hubs[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(4): 298-303, 308.


    Health Effect of Air Pollution in Semi-enclosed Large-scale Integrated Transportation Hubs

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解半封闭式客运交通枢纽空气污染对人群健康的影响。
      方法 在半封闭式客运交通枢纽内外选取不同监测点, 在不同时间里对一氧化碳、非甲烷总烃、氮氧化合物、二氧化硫和可吸入颗粒物的浓度进行监测, 并选择部分工作人员和乘客进行问卷调查。
      结果 在枢纽内停留时间越长, 其呼吸道、感官及神经系统症状越明显, 主要不适表现在感觉枢纽内有刺激性气味和眼部刺激。
      结论 目前半封闭客运交通枢纽内空气污染状况不容忽视, 建议相关部门尽早制定标准保护人体健康。


      Objectives  To understand the health effect of air pollution in semi-enclosed large-scale integrated transportation hubs.
      Methods  The concentration of carbon monoxide(CO), non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC), nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM10) was detected at different monitoring sites inside and outside of the hub. A questionnaire survey was conducted among staffs and passengers in the hubs.
      Results  The longer the stay in the hub the more obvious symptoms of respiratory, sensory and nervous system; the main discomfort perception was pungent odor and eye irritation.
      Conclusions  The current situation of air pollution in the semi-enclosed large-scale integrated transportation hubs could not be ignored. Relevant standards should be developed as early as possible to protect human health.


