赵玉敏, 王式功, 王炳全, 韩菲, 李凡卡, 海日妮萨·麦提托合提. 沙漠肺综合症的流行病学研究[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(6): 542-546.
    引用本文: 赵玉敏, 王式功, 王炳全, 韩菲, 李凡卡, 海日妮萨·麦提托合提. 沙漠肺综合症的流行病学研究[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2013, 3(6): 542-546.
    Zhao Yumin, Wang Shigong, Wang Bingquan, Han Fei, Li Fanka, Hairinisa·Maitituoheti. Epidemiological Study on the Desert Lung Syndrome[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(6): 542-546.
    Citation: Zhao Yumin, Wang Shigong, Wang Bingquan, Han Fei, Li Fanka, Hairinisa·Maitituoheti. Epidemiological Study on the Desert Lung Syndrome[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 3(6): 542-546.


    Epidemiological Study on the Desert Lung Syndrome

    • 摘要:
      目的 探讨沙漠尘致尘肺的危险性大小。
      方法 2012、2013年春季, 在和田市、新疆建设兵团农十四师224团场、一牧场、皮山农场现场于沙尘暴期间使用AFC-20A型粉尘采样器采集不同风速下的粉尘样品, 根据《工作场所空气中粉尘测定》(GBZ/T 192.1-2-2007) 测定总粉尘(TSP, 粒径小于100μm)及呼吸性粉尘(RSP, 粒径小于10μm)浓度; 收集沙尘暴过后8 h内降尘并采集受试地区沙漠原沙, 根据《工作场所空气中粉尘测定》(GBZ/T 192.3-2007), 测其SiO2(F)含量和分散度; 对沙尘暴多发区的风沙尘肺的患病情况进行流行病学调查。
      结果 新疆建设兵团农十四师居民长期生活在游离SiO2(F)日均浓度(30%~40%)较高的空气环境中。2012-2013年人群尘肺调查结果发现尘肺患者共3例, 可疑风沙尘肺患者共7例, 平均年龄为48.1岁, 男4例, 女6例; 3例确诊风沙尘肺患者均为Ⅰ期。
      结论 沙尘暴粉尘为高SiO2(F)含量、高分散度粉尘可导致其对人类潜在危害性的加大, 吸入人体的粉尘具有潜在的致肺纤维化性的危险, 居民肺功能状态及肺通气功能损害随接尘时间增加而增多。


      Objectives In order to explore the risk of pneumoconiosis caused by desert dusts, the content, dispersion and soluble chemical components of free silica SiO2 (F) in desert dust in Hetian, Xinjiang was analyzed.
      Methods The dust and original sand in the desert were collected 8 hours after sandstorms in the spring of 2012 and 2013. The content of SiO2 (F) in the dust was measured according to the "Method for the determination of dust in the air of workplace" (GB 5748-1985). The prevalence of pneumoconiosis in storm-prone areas was also investigated.
      Results The residents in Xiangjiang Production and Construction Crops have been living in a high polluted environment, where the daily average content of SiO2(F)in the dust was up to 30%~40%. There were three pneumoconiosis patients and 3 patients suspect of pneumoconiosis discovered in 2012-2013, mainly in restrictive ventilatory dysfunction.
      Conclusions The dust in the sandstorm in Hetian was high in SiO2 (F) and high dispersion. Respirable dust is a potential factor causing pulmonary fibrosis. The impairment of pulmonary ventilatory function was positively correlated with the time of dust exposure.


