朱永义, 李静, 钟祥银, 吴畏忌, 张龙, 谭可. 四川省内江市城市饮用水水质和水性疾病调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(1): 9-13.
    引用本文: 朱永义, 李静, 钟祥银, 吴畏忌, 张龙, 谭可. 四川省内江市城市饮用水水质和水性疾病调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2012, 2(1): 9-13.
    Zhu Yongyi, Li Jing, Zhong Xiangyin, Wu Weiji, Zhang Long, Tan Ke. Investigation and Analysis on the Quality of Drinking Water and Water-borne Diseases in Neijiang City, Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(1): 9-13.
    Citation: Zhu Yongyi, Li Jing, Zhong Xiangyin, Wu Weiji, Zhang Long, Tan Ke. Investigation and Analysis on the Quality of Drinking Water and Water-borne Diseases in Neijiang City, Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2012, 2(1): 9-13.


    Investigation and Analysis on the Quality of Drinking Water and Water-borne Diseases in Neijiang City, Sichuan Province

    • 摘要:
      目的 调查分析城市饮用水卫生状况和水性疾病流行病学特征。
      方法 选择四川省内江市城区市政供水、自备水厂共31个监测点进行水质监测; 收集供水范围内水性疾病、肿瘤及慢性非传染性疾病死因相关信息。
      结果 市政供水各类水质总合格率达97.89%,末梢水合格率99.26%,出厂水合格率77.78%,二次供水总合格率为66.67%。不合格项目主要是pH值、耗氧量、余氯、总大肠菌群、菌落总数。自建水厂各类水质总合格率为75%,出厂水合格率83.33%,末梢水合格率为70.83%,不合格项目主要是三氯甲烷、浑浊度、耗氧量、肉眼可见物、铁、氨氮。监测水性疾病2 080例,2008年发病集中在秋季的9—11月,总发病率为361.83/10万; 2009年发病集中在春季的3—4月,总发病率为318.71/10万。监测肿瘤及非传染性疾病死因1 063例。
      结论 市政供水水质总体良好,但出厂水水质有待提高,应加强二次供水的管理和监测,指导自建水厂改进水处理工艺,提高水质合格率; 水性疾病调查提示了防控肠道传染病的流行病学意义。


      Objectives To investigate the hygienic status of urban drinking water and the epidemiological characteristics of water-borne diseases.
      Methods Monitoring the quality of water samples selected in 31 monitored points from Neijiang city municipal water supplies and self-owned water plants; and collecting the death-related information related to water-borne diseases, within the context of cancer and chronic non-communicable disease.
      Results The total qualified rate of all kinds of municipal water supplies was 97.89%; the qualified rate of peripheral water was 99.26%, the qualified rate of factory water was 77.78%, and the qualified rate of secondary water was 66.67%. The ineligible items were mainly pH, oxygen consumption, chlorine residues, total coliform and the number of total colonies. Since the total qualified rate of various types of self-built water factories was 75%, the qualified rate of factory water was 83.33%, and the qualified rate of peripheral water was 70.83%. The unqualified items were mainly chloroform, turbidity, oxygen consumption, visible solids, iron and ammonia nitrogen. There were 2 080 water-borne disease patients being monitored. The incidence of water-borne disease in 2008 was 36.18/106 and concentrated in September to November, and the incidence in 2009 was 31.87/106 and concentrated in March and April. The total death related to cancer and non-communicable disease was 1 063 cases.
      Conclusions The quality of municipal water supplies was good in general, but the quality of water from the water fa ctory should be improved. It is necessary to enhance water management and monitoring, to guide self-built fa ctories to improve water treatment processes to improve water quality. The investigation on water-borne diseases prompted the epidemiological significance of prevention and control of communicable diseases.


