
    Distribution of trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids in rural drinking water in Jiangsu Province, China and its influencing factors

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解江苏省农村集中式供水饮用水中两类消毒副产物三卤甲烷(trihalomethanes, THMs)和卤乙酸(haloacetic acid, HAAs)的分布特征及其影响因素。
      方法 2023年枯、丰水期,采集江苏省农村集中式供水饮用水样品5 154份(覆盖所有农村乡镇),其中出厂水115份,末梢水5 039份。依据《生活饮用水标准检验方法》(GB/T 5750-2023)检测水样中的THMs包括三氯甲烷(chloroform, CF)、一氯二溴甲烷(dibromochloromethane, DBCM)、二氯一溴甲烷(bromodichloromethane, BDCM)、三溴甲烷(bromoform, BF)和HAAs包括二氯乙酸(dichloroacetic acid, DCAA)、三氯乙酸(trichloroacetic acid, TCAA)浓度,依据《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2022)对结果进行判定。采用秩和检验比较不同分组饮用水中THMs的浓度水平。
      结果 2023年江苏省农村饮用水中CF、DBCM、BDCM、BF、DCAA、TCAA均达到GB 5749-2022的要求,THMs、HAAs检出率分别为83.46%、25.70%。江苏省农村饮用水中THMs中位浓度为32 μg/L,HAAs中位浓度为2 μg/L。丰水期水样THMs浓度高于枯水期(M分别为33和29 μg/L),湖泊水源水样THMs浓度高于江河水源和水库水源(M分别为43、30和29 μg/L),末梢水水样THMs浓度高于出厂水(M分别为32和25 μg/L),次氯酸钠消毒水样THMs浓度高于液氯消毒、一氯胺消毒和复合二氧化氯消毒(M分别为34、30、27和14 μg/L),差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
      结论 江苏省农村饮用水中THMs、HAAs浓度均达标,THMs检出率较高,是消毒副产物风险管理重点指标,其生成受水期、水源类型、消毒方式、水处理工艺影响。


      Objective To investigate the distribution of disinfection byproducts, trihalomethanes (THM)s and haloacetic acids (HAAs), in rural drinking water supplied through centralized water supply systems in Jiangsu Province and its influencing factors.
      Methods In the dry and wet seasons of 2023, 5 154 drinking water samples (covering all rural villages and towns) were collected, including 115 finished water samples and 5 039 terminal water samples. According to the Standard Examination Method for Drinking Water (GB/T 5750-2023), the drinking water samples were analyzed for the concentrations of THMs (trichloromethane CF, dibromochloromethane DBCM, bromodichloromethane BDCM, and bromoform BF) and HAAs (dichloroacetic acid DCAA and trichloroacetic acid TCAA). The results were evaluated using the Standards for Drinking Water Quality (GB 5749-2022). The rank sum test was used to compare the concentrations of THMs in the drinking water across different groups.
      Results In 2023, the detection rates of CF, DBCM, BDCM, BF, DCAA, and TCAA in the rural drinking water in Jiangsu Province met the requirements as specified in GB 5749-2022. The detection rates of THMs and HAAs were 83.46% and 25.70%, respectively. The median concentrations (M) of THMs and HAAs were 32 and 2 μg/L, respectively. The concentration of THMs was higher in wet seasons (M=33 and 29 μg/L, respectively) than in dry seasons. The concentration of THMs was higher for lake water sources than for river water sources and reservoir water sources (M=43, 30, and 29 μg/L, respectively). The concentration of THMs was higher in terminal water than in finished water (M=32 and 25 μg/L, respectively). The concentration of THMs was significantly higher in water disinfected with sodium hypochlorite than in water disinfected with liquid chlorine, monochloramine, and compound chlorine dioxide (M=34, 30, 27, and 14 μg/L, respectively) (P < 0.05).
      Conclusion The concentrations of THMs and HAAs in the rural drinking water in Jiangsu Province meet the relevant standard. However, the detection rates of THMs are high, making it a key indicator for risk management of disinfection byproducts. The concentrations of THMs are influenced by seasons, water sources, disinfection method, and water treatment processes.


