
    Investigation of indoor microbial pollution in shopping malls and supermarkets of China and analysis of influencing factors

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解我国商超类公共场所室内环境微生物污染状况,探讨其室内空气及物体表面微生物污染的主要影响因素。
      方法 利用2022年度“全国公共场所健康危害因素监测项目”中商超类公共场所微生物指标在128个城市的监测数据,参照《公共场所卫生指标及限值要求》(GB 37488-2019)等标准进行评价。采用χ2检验比较不同分组之间空气及公共用品用具物表微生物污染指标超标率的差异;采用多因素Logistic回归分析微生物污染水平的主要影响因素。
      结果 本研究共完成调查1 083家商超类公共场所,其中商场540家,超市543家。空气真菌总数超标率最高(21.16%),其次是收银台菌落总数(10.97%)和购物车(篮)菌落总数(5.32%),其余样品类别微生物指标超标率均低于1.5%。开业时间、日均客流量、卫生监督量化分级等场所基本状况影响微生物污染水平,建立卫生管理档案、每年组织员工健康体检等卫生管理措施有助于降低微生物污染水平。
      结论 商超类公共场所室内环境微生物合格情况仍有待进一步提高,日均客流量大小、场所卫生管理水平、集中空调系统的使用情况等是影响其室内微生物污染水平的因素。


      Objective To investigate the status of indoor microbial pollution in shopping malls and supermarkets in China, and to explore the main factors influencing of indoor air and object surface microbial pollution.
      Methods The monitoring data of microbiological indicators of shopping malls and supermarkets in 128 cities in the "National Health Hazard Factors Monitoring Project in Public Places" in 2022 were evaluated with reference to standards such as the Hygienic Indicators and Limits of Public Places (GB 37488-2019). The chi-square test was used to compare the differences among groups in overstandard rates of microbial pollution indicators of air and public articles. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to analyze the main factors influencing microbial pollution.
      Results This study surveyed a total of 1 083 shopping malls and supermarkets, including 540 shopping malls and 543 supermarkets. The highest rate of the over standard rates of total fungal count in the air was 21.16%, followed by the total bacterial count in the checkout counter (10.97%) and in shopping carts (baskets) (5.32%). The over standard rates of microbial indicators of other samples were all lower than 1.5%.The level of microbial pollution was affected by the basic conditions of the premises, such as opening hours, average daily customer flow and hygiene supervision quantization grading. Hygiene management measures, including establishing hygiene management records and organizing annual health check-ups for employees, help reduce the level of microbial contamination.
      Conclusion The indoor microbial contamination level in shopping malls and supermarkets need to be further improved. Factors such as daily passenger flow, hygiene management level, and the use of centralized air conditioning systems affect their indoor microbial pollution levels.


